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Camila needed to put things right with Lauren, that much she knew. Karla's unexpected announcement the night prior had thrown her in a manner she hadn't been prepared for. In retrospect, it was fantastic news for Karla that she'd found someone who'd be there for her, who she genuinely loved and loved her back. It was even better news that she was getting out of New York City and away from scumbags like Tyrone, who would only take her right back to where she'd started.

However, arriving at that point had been a journey, unfortunately a journey Lauren had to watch play out in front of her. Camila had pushed her away in the midst of the emotional roller coaster. And while it had been for only a split second that she caught a glimpse of the hurt in Lauren's eyes, it had been there.

And hung over her still.

She checked the clock. Lauren would still be at work, but maybe near the end of her day. She fired off a text as she walked from the bar to her office.

We never got that business meeting.

Then she waited, her nerves in overdrive. A few moments later, her phone buzzed.

You are correct. When are you free?

She smiled as she typed.

Now. Come by and be all businessy, please.

It took longer for Lauren to answer this time, which had Camila on edge. But when her phone finally buzzed, relief hit.

You've twisted my arm. On my way.

When Lauren knocked on the door to her office fifteen minutes later, she looked...fantastic in another of those incredible business suits. It was as if they'd been manufactured with the sole purpose of making her want to take them off Lauren. This one was maroon and showed the lapels of a gray dress shirt underneath. And there were heels, which affected her on a whole separate level.

"Hey," Lauren said, and her lips curved into a smile. "How are you?"

Camila detected a hesitation in the way she spoke, which made sense given the last time they'd seen each other. But she wasn't unfriendly. "I'm doing great. Better now that we get to have this super-important meeting."

Lauren inclined her head to the side. "Are you making fun of our meeting? It's a serious meeting."

"I would never. But it's possible I called it as just a big excuse to get to see you."

Something about the way Lauren was looking at her softened and she took the opportunity to move in for a—

"Ah, ah, ah. This is a business meeting, Miss Cabello."

"Can't it be many things though? A multifaceted business meeting? I'm just saying let's think this through." Camila blinked at Lauren, offering her most innocent eyes.

"Don't give me that traitorous puppy-dog look." Lauren shook her head. "Doesn't work that way, champ."

She sashayed to the desk, and the subtle back and forth of her hips had Camila captivated. Surely, they could work something out.

"You have the best walk, Jauregui. As in, A-plus on the walking."

Lauren straightened. "I'm detecting a distinct lack of focus."

"Negative. I'm highly focused."

"Let's redirect it to the laptop screen where I have several mockups for you of this month's promotion. You might remember the Gingersnap Smash."

"Only vaguely at the moment."

Lauren pressed on undeterred. "I realize we're already partway into it, but getting some branding out there is a good idea. Get customers educated about the monthly specials and build buzz around what's coming next."

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