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When Lauren slid open the door to the So Harmony office at seven a.m. the next morning, she was surprised to see three expectant faces blinking back at her from their respective desks. Interesting and creepy.

She checked her watch. Nope, time hadn't stopped.

"You're all three here early again? We don't have a half day planned."

"What?" Dinah said, shrugging. "We can't all decide to get a jump on the day just because we're driven, hardworking women who want to succeed in life and not live in the gutter?"

Lauren inclined her head from side to side, weighing the options. "It's highly improbable." Her gaze drifted from Normani to Dinah and landed finally on Ally, the most likely friend to give up their scheme. "What gives, Ally?"

"Leave Ally alone," Dinah said. "She's busy."

"Is not," Lauren pointed out. "She's got Candy Crush on her screen. What's going on, Ally? You can tell me."

Ally did her best Bambi-in-headlights impression, which told Lauren everything she needed to know. She let out a sigh. "So I'm guessing you want to hear the details of my dinner with Camila last night."

That did it. All three of them sprang into action like soldiers on a super-important mission.

"I'll get the truffles!" Dinah practically shouted. "Oh! Babe, heat up that banana bread Foster Foods sent over when we wrapped the banana commercial."

Ally dashed for the door. "Starbucks run. Don't let her say a word without me!"

"I'll throw my body into the flames to prevent it," Dinah shouted back.

"Okay, that seems extreme," Lauren said to no one because they were busy in mad preparation for story hour. She relaxed into her chair and let them prep, as she didn't really see a way out of this.

Fifteen minutes later, with coffee, banana bread, and MollyDolly truffles to die for, they snacked around the large oak conference table used for meals and meetings. Ally adjusted her hair for whatever reason and placed her folded hands on the table. "Okay. I'm ready for a sexy tale now. Let's start with where you ate."

"South Street Seaport."

Dinah nodded. "Oh, you mean at one of those trendy little restaurants along the pier. Super cute."

Lauren shook her head. "No. On a bench facing the water."

"Okay." Dinah seemed to marinate on this. "On a bench, you say?"

Lauren nodded and swallowed back a smile at the memory. "I do say. We grabbed lobster rolls from a food truck."

"Interesting choice," Ally said, exchanging a concerned glance with the others. "And how did you do with that?"

"I did fine," Lauren said. "You people underestimate my ability to roll with the punches. I'm a skilled punch roller." Another dubious exchange of glances.

Normani shrugged. "I think it sounds cool. Unique."

"That's exactly what it was," Lauren said, in wholehearted agreement. She shook off the unspoken judgment and wondered why she felt suddenly protective of Camila and their short evening together. It wasn't even like she'd gone by choice. She hadn't ended the night by choice either, but that tidbit of information was filed away just for her.

Ally's eyes sparkled with a newfound discovery. "Aha. So you were into the bench. I see. And did the stars twinkle overhead and the water ripple subtly nearby? Is that what happened?"

"I love it when water ripples," Dinah said dreamily, her chin in her hand.

"Me too," Ally answered. "Water ripples are big time. Up there with solitary lampposts."

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