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The black suit was too severe. That much Lauren knew as she stared at herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. This meant she had only three point two minutes to be out the door of her apartment, wearing a new outfit, and on the elevator en route to her presentation to Big Top, the chain of movie theaters they were hoping to sign on as the newest So Harmony client. This company, from her research, seemed to be made up of less-formal people, edgy types, which meant conservative attire was not the way to go. Damn it, she should have planned better.

Ripping off items of clothing as she walked, Lauren zeroed in on her lime-green dress hanging in the center of the closet. It was bright enough not to be stuffy, but covered enough skin with its three-quarter sleeves and modest neckline to pass for professional. Perfect. She accessorized with a pair of black pumps and a silver necklace before flying out of the apartment. Once in the elevator, she pulled the clasp from the nape of her neck and let her hair tumble freely. She could do edgy. Well, she could try for edgy. Maybe she should have had Normani accompany her with Normani's standard outside-the-box wardrobe. Camouflage pants and lip gloss on a client call? Why the hell not? They offered a customised service, after all. She filed this point away in case there was a next time.

A short subway ride to midtown later, Lauren found herself in a waiting area that looked much more like a gamer's lair than any kind of corporate headquarters. Retro arcade games from the 1980s lined the walls, and the likes of PAC-MAN, Centipede, and Burger Time pinged and chirped in an electronic chorus of intimidation, because that's a bit how Lauren felt in the midst of it all. The receptionist was hot, but dressed more like a Hooters waitress than a corporate assistant. She was pretty sure this was by design.

"Ms. Jauregui," the Hooters girl said. "They're ready for you in Mr. Centineo office. Third door on the right."

"Thank you." And please put on a sweater, the friend in her added mentally. She made her way to Mr. Centineo's office and found herself in what looked to be an extension of the lobby. More video games, an indoor basketball hoop, and a giant movie screen with Batman Returns playing on a silent loop made up the room. Instead of a desk, a conglomeration of leather armchairs was arranged in a sitting-room formation, and at this point in time, they were occupied by what seemed to be three frat guys.

Correction—her very important potential clients.

She paused in the doorway and took a deep breath. Here went nothing. "Mr. Centineo?" she asked the one who resembled the online photo of Noah Centineo, the CEO. Only this guy looked about ten years younger than the photo. Photoshop carried amazing powers. How young was this guy anyway? The suspect in question popped up from his chair with a wide grin.

"Call me Noah. You must be Lauren."

"I am. Pleased to meet you." She went to shake his hand but was offered a high-five instead.

"Up top," Noah said. She obliged. "That's how we do it at Big Top. The high-five is everything. Popcorn? It has real butter. The good kind," he told her, indicating the buttery bowl on the side table.

"No, no. But thank you. I generally wait until after nine thirty for popcorn. Strict rule."

He laughed at her lame attempt at a joke and introduced her to his colleagues, David, the COO, and Freddy, the CFO. Apparently, David, Freddy, and Noah had become best buddies at one of those creative think-tank workshops and never looked back. They opened a movie theater together and, after its overwhelming success, opened another and another. Currently, they were at the helm of over sixty-five theaters and counting across the New England area and ready to expand even further. This would be a huge account for So Harmony, should they land it.

"Do you like movies, Lauren?" David asked. "We love 'em. We watch at least two a day."

She nodded. "I do. I'm a total buff." Okay, well, a minor stretch. But Ally and Dinah had her sitting through enough of the old stuff to qualify as somewhat knowledgeable.

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