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A Spanish guitar struck up the intro to "Here Comes the Bride," and automatically the wedding guests stood in recognition of the moment. From behind Lauren on the deck facing the wedding guests, Normani squeezed her hand, and she and Dinah shared a smile. Moments later, Ally appeared on one side of the trellis on the arm of her father, and Demi and her father appeared on the other. Each father escorted his daughter until they met in front of the officiant.

"Who gives these women in marriage?"

"Her mother and I do," each man said. Ally's father, Jerry, with tears in his eyes, kissed his daughter and placed her hand in Demi's.

Happy tears sprang into Lauren's eyes at the beautiful simplicity of the moment. As the ceremony began, she stood at the front next to Ally, along with Normani and Dinah. On Demi's side stood Zayn and Sam.

Over the next fifteen minutes, she watched as Ally and Demi pledged themselves to one another for always in front of their family and friends. The day had shaped up to be a beautiful one, and despite the threat of rain, the sun dipped low in the sky and offered a beautiful melding of oranges and pinks. The gardens that surrounded them were in full bloom, and the Hudson glistened in the distance.

The wedding was elegant and timeless. No other words would do it justice.

When Ally said "I do," Lauren found her attention pulled to the third row, where Camila smiled up at her and mouthed the words she never got tired of hearing: I love you. She hadn't moved back to her own apartment just yet, and if Lauren had a vote, maybe they'd just forgo that idea altogether, because things between them had been good, really good.

Lauren got it now, what it meant to be in love.

She understood why her friends temporarily lost their minds when things were amiss with the people they loved, because there was nothing on the planet that compared or mattered more.

When Ally and Demi sealed their union with a kiss, Lauren felt as if her heart might burst with happiness for her friend. She thought back to where Ally was two years ago and how dramatically her life had shifted for the better. The happy couple recessed to music that flowed from the Spanish guitar just as the sun parted ways with the sky. It had been an unforgettable ceremony.

As dusk shifted into night, the sundeck was outfitted with warm lanterns and dinner was served on the Chelsea Market Passage adjacent. The passage was just that, a warehouse in Chelsea that the train used as passage. With tall ceilings and open on either side, the passage was the perfect location for a little dinner and dancing under the stars.

As they swayed easily to the music from the band she'd hired with Demi's approval, Lauren felt Camila's eyes on her. "What's going through that head of yours?"

Camila shook her head once. "You are the prettiest bridesmaid I've ever seen."

Lauren brought both of Camila's hands to her lips and kissed them. "Does that mean you'll dance with me?"

"That could be arranged quite easily."

"Hey, people in love," Dinah said, joining them. "Was that not the most beautiful ceremony in all of life?"

"I can't wait to see the photos," Lauren said. "They did some classic black-and-whites that are going to be stunning with this architecture."

"I love this place," Normani said, joining them. "Have you two walked along the railing by the water?"

"We have not," Camil said. "But I wouldn't miss it. I love the water." Lauren was instantly transported to their non-date at the Seaport and smiled at all she hadn't known back then. Ally and Demi approached, pulling her from the memory. As they'd been making their way through the room, it was clear they'd saved their friends for last.

The foursome broke into applause in celebration of their newly married friends, and a hugfest erupted. Dinah held out a hand. "Most beautiful wedding I've ever attended, hands down."

"Really?" Demi asked. "I mean, I definitely thought so, but I might be a little biased." She smiled and looked to Ally. "Let me ask my wife."

Ally gave her head a little shake. "Wow. Did you hear that? That hasn't sunk in yet. We're married, everyone. Isn't it awesome?"

"To commemorate the awesome, how about a private toast, just us?"

"Yes," Ally said, lighting up. "I would love that."

Normani disappeared and returned promptly with six glasses of champagne.

"Lo, would you mind doing the honors?" Ally asked. "It seems only fitting."

Her friends nodded their agreement, and instantly, all eyes were on her. She didn't exactly have anything prepared, as she hadn't anticipated this moment. Instead, she decided to speak from her heart. "Nearly twelve years ago, a witty blonde walked into our lives, and with her arrival came the final piece of a four-way friendship I, for one, will cherish for life." Though the eyes looking back at her were now glistening like her own, she pressed on. "What makes me even happier is knowing that she's found Demi, someone who understands how special she is and happens to be more than amazing herself.

"So I toast the newly married couple on this gorgeous summer night and send a wholehearted thank you into the universe for them, and for each of you. People make life worth living, and I, for one, have some pretty fantastic reasons to get up each morning. So please join me in raising a glass to happily-ever-after."

Six glasses came together in celebration, and to Lauren, the moment was a perfect one. What were the odds that Ally and Demi, archrivals, would somehow find their way to each other? Dinah and Normani had found love in their proverbial backyard, and she'd fallen head over heels for the one person she never thought possible?

Love had a way of putting the right people on the right pathway, she thought as she pulled Camila to her. She kissed the woman she loved then and felt all the lighter for it.

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you."

"In that case..." Camila said, going in for more.

Later, they all danced the night away, carefree and young and with their whole lives stretched out in front of them. They'd have twists and turns and celebrations and sorrows, but Lauren knew they'd maneuver them together.

And when the clock struck midnight...they paused for some chocolate, because you know CHOCOLATE MIDNIGHT never dies.

AN: Here you go guys this is the end till next time! remember buy CAMILA's album out since 12/01/18 🦋🦋🦋 blast all her songs, buy it, stream it, gift it. THANKS

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