The Hogwarts Express

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[Your POV]

I waited on the platform for three hours. Ugh, it sucked having to come early, but my parents had to get to the Ministry early, so I had to be dropped off early. The worst part was, none of my friends were here as early as I was, so I didn't even have anybody to talk to. I tapped my foot anxiously as I looked around for Lily.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Lily call out.

I whipped my head around and saw Lily running towards me, her red hair wildly swinging.

"I've missed you so, so much!" I said, relieved to finally see my friend. "Did James Potter bother you over the summer? Bombarded you with letters, I suppose?" I said as I smirked. It was no secret that James had fancied Lily ever since first year.

"Oh, stop it," said Lily, rolling her eyes, "he had sent me some but I didn't reply. He's such an arsehole to Severus and thinks he's all that."

I sniggered. Lily didn't like James because she thought he was rude and such a show-off. She was definitely right - but I think she should at least give him a chance.

"Speak of the devil," said Lily, as she spotted James, along with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, making their way over. I could've sworn I saw her face turn a light pink.

James clicked his tongue when he saw Lily. She quickly blushed and it seemed like Sirius was trying to hold back a snigger. Same with me, seeing James trying to aimlessly flirt with Lily had become quite amusing over the years.

"Looking gorgeous as ever, Lily," said James while eyeing her up and down, "and hey! (Y/N)'s here too."

I rolled my eyes. "Hey Sirius, Remus. Where's Peter?" I said, as I looked over their shoulders.

"The poor bloke's  late. Probably slept in, I think stayed up all last night." chuckled Sirius.

James snorted. "Doing what? Reading? I can't imagine his introverted self would be partying or even snogging a girl before the first day of school," he said as he crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.

Remus punched him on the shoulder. "Cut him some slack. His DADA exam went really bad, he was probably studying so he could get a head start. I'm sure he'll be here any minute now-"

"Hey, guys," panted an obviously sleep deprived Peter. "No - sleep - studying - d.a.d.a - stayed up - slept in..."  he balanced himself by putting his hand on Remus's shoulder.

"Got here just in time, too, mate," said James, as the Hogwarts Express came into view.

Fifth Year - Young Remus Lupin x Reader | ✅Where stories live. Discover now