The "Date"

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[James' POV]

I headed out of the dorm with Sirius, since it was nearing seven. I told him not to tag along but he didn't listen.

"Wish me luck, then," I said as I head out of the castle.

-lil time skip-

I saw Lily sitting under the Whomping Willow. I inhaled and mentally recapped my apology.

I'm so sorry Lily, I'm sorry I always treat you like an object and I'm sorry I've been oblivious to your feelings. I really hope you can forgive me and I'll try not to be an arsehole again.

As I walked towards her, I saw her looking at me, expressionless. I quickly exhaled as I arrived at the front of the Whomping Willow.

I stood for a moment too long, and Lily told me to sit. She wasn't looking at me, but straight ahead, as if I wasn't there.

I cleared my throat. "Lily, I'm very sorry about aimlessly flirting with you and causing you to be uncomfortable. I don't want to be an arse so I'm sorry," I quickly said, looking down.

"You know, James Potter, it is very hard to take you seriously. Once this conversation is over with, you'll still get together with your little trio, coming up with ways to get me to be your girlfriend," she turned to look at me, still emotionless.

"That's because I really like you, Lily!" I protested. I went silent as I heard how loud I'd gotten.

Lily stood up. "Some things never change, James Potter. I admire that about you. You see something you want and you go for it. But I can't stop you from liking me. I can't stop you from flirting with me. I just want you to understand that I have feelings, too."

I sat silently.

She waved her hand dismissively. "That's all, I hope you've learned your lesson. Even though you probably haven't."

She walked away calmly back to the castle, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

word count; 355
short chapter but whatever cus no one reads this fic anyways lolololol :)
ps whoever's reading this - thanks for reading it means a lot

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