A Christmas To Remember

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[Your POV]

     I ran hurriedly down the steps of Gryffindor Tower, practically dragging Remus by the hand. Christmas was my favourite holiday - the gifts, food, decorations, and most importantly, spending time with my friends and family, made Christmas the superior holiday - I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed my birthday.

"Calm down, love!" Remus said hastily as he was almost falling down the stairs - he had still been half asleep, his hair ruffled and eyes droopy, holding my hand with one of his and holding my parcel in another.

I smiled a bit. I still could not get over the fact that he was my boyfriend.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, we saw Lily, Sirius and Peter - but no sign of James.

"Merry Christmas, lovebirds!," Lily chirped cheerfully as she pulled Remus and I into a hug, "I suppose you wouldn't have any idea as to where my dear boyfriend is?" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Sadly, no, but I'm sure we can find him if we look hard enough." I laughed, letting go of Sirius' embrace.

"I'll bet I know where he is," Remus said under his breath as Sirius chuckled.

"What? Where?" Lily questioned suspiciously, folding her arms and walking closer to the pair.

Remus flashed me a knowing look and instantly, I knew that James had forgotten Lily's Christmas present and had rushed off to Hogsmeade to see what he could find.

"Oh, they're just joking! They, uh, have no idea where he is, actually. But you know Sirius and Remus! Such jokesters!" I laughed uncomfortably.

Lily eyed them very carefully for a minute, then shrugged he shoulders and sighed.

"Well, if you do end up finding him, tell him to come see me because I haven't seen him since yesterday night, and even then, he seemed off." she frowned, making her way towards Molly and Arthur.

When she was out of sight, everybody broke into laughter.

"I can't believe he would forget Lily's present. I mean, that's his girlfriend," Peter scoffed.

"Yeah," I chimed in, "seems a bit bonkers to me. Why didn't he just buy her gift when he bought ours?"

"Dunno, after he rushed out of the Dining Hall yesterday, I didn't see him until dinner - he said all the shops were closed and that he would wake up early tomorrow and go into town and buy her gift." Sirius shrugged.

"That's odd... Hogsmeade didn't close until 11 p.m yesterday. Where could he have gone?" Remus questioned.

"Do any of you know what he wanted to get Lily?" I asked carefully, this wasn't making any sense!

They all shrugged and I sighed in defeat.

I automatically assumed the worst and gasped as I clapped my hands over my mouth.

"What if, what if -" I said breathlessly, terror in my eyes, "what if he's cheating on Lily!"

Everyone's eyes grew wide and their mouths hung open.

We stayed frozen like that for a few minutes until Sirius spoke to break the silence.

"That's... that's not possible, he - he wouldn't do that, he's loved Lily every since he saw her, all he wanted was her... No, it's not possible. I won't believe it." Sirius folded his arms.

We all let out a collective sigh and agreed that we were being irrational. It would be a cold day in hell before James cheated on Lily - it just wasn't right.

Fifth Year - Young Remus Lupin x Reader | ✅Where stories live. Discover now