Cuts & Bruises

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[ warning; swearing, might give you the feels™️ ]

[Your POV]

     I walked to my first class of the day, Herbology, which I normally hated, but because of yesterday, I had decided that nothing would make me upset ever again.

I heard heavy panting behind me and turned to see James and Sirius, hands on their knees, barely able to walk.

"What the bloody hell is going on? What're you in such a rush for?" I questioned.

James looked up.

"Wha - what time is it?"

"8:20," I glanced at my watch.

Sirius grabbed my wrist and looked at my watch.

"MOONY, I'M GOING TO KNOCK YOU OUT!" he yelled angrily.

I shushed him as students were looking at us.

"The little areshole, along with Peter, set our clocks 20 minutes ahead of time. I'm so going to get him."

Remus, pranking others without a cause? Unheard of.

"What'd you do to make him prank you?" I asked, amused, walking beside them.

"Search me," James said, just as we entered the class.

As soon as I saw Remus, sitting in his seat, I smiled.

"Hey, Remus!"

He looked up at me, smiled, but his smile faltered when he saw James and Sirius behind me.

Peter sat behind him, and motioned to the empty spot to the right of Remus.

"I think he saved this for you," Peter whispered.

I thanked Peter and took a seat, and turned around to see Sirius beside me, and one spot over was James.

I was going to make small talk with Remus, but just then,  Professor Flitwick walked in. I looked over to "surprisingly" see Lily in front of James, and Molly to her right.

The class was long and boring. I wanted to get on with Potions, my next class, because Remus and I were Potions partners, and hopefully we'd get a chance to talk.

I tried my best to pay attention, but we were learning about Gillyweed, which didn't seem all that interesting.

- time skip brought to you by me being lazy! :) -

As I headed to Potions, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, expecting to see Lily, but...


I blushed profusely and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him, a bit too enthusiastically, my ears reddening.

"Nothing, just wanted to say hi since I haven't seen you for a while," he smiled.

I noticed a brand new scar on his face, on his right cheek, it was small but deep, and looked like it had been bleeding for an excessive amount of time.

Out of nowhere, I stopped in my tracks and lifted my finger to his cheek, and brushed over the scar.

"What happened?" I questioned, still not fully aware of what I had just done.

He gently grabbed my wrist and put it down by my side.

"Oh, nothing to worry about. Don't touch it, if it starts to bleed again, I don't want you to get an infection."

Fifth Year - Young Remus Lupin x Reader | ✅Where stories live. Discover now