760 17 1

(14 yrs old)
Bianca's POV
major tw : sh

Time went by and things started to change, some people say change is a good thing. But..thats the biggest lie that I've heard, for now. I live with Lisa and the the twins..

Something happened, and it definitely was unexpected, I really hate it. I'm turning 15 in a few days and each day, I feel like dying.

"Bianca!" Grayson yells, I hurry to his room, probably to just tell me to wash his own dish cause hes lazy.

I open the door and water was thrown all over me, I look down at my clothing that was soaking wet.

He laughs out loud and I see another head pop up, Ethan.

He throws flour on my head and I cough, I feel tears form in my eyes and I can see that Grayson didnt even feel bad. I mean, hes been doing this for months now?

I look at Ethan and I can see guilt written in his face, but that didnt stop him from acting as if he didn't feel bad.

I was wearing new clothing and I took a shower earlier, I feel so hurt and I couldnt handle the pain anymore. This always happens and I'm so used to it. Im sick of it.

I head towards the bathroom and grabbed the razor, god how I hate how it looks, I take the razor and shakily make it touch my skin making me squeeze my eyes in pain.

12th cut.

The others were healing up, as this one was just fresh. I stare at myself in the mirror, and I look terrible. I hear loud footsteps coming towards the bathroom and I immediately hide the razor and cleaned up.

The knobs shakes and I hear a sigh, "Aww is little Bianca cutting again?" I knew it was Ethan behind the door making my heart ache, imagine having the person you like say this to you?

I hear him yell out, "Gray! Look Bianca's cutting again!"

I hear laughter from behind the door and I felt more...useless with each second for not standing up for my weak self.

I slowly sit down on the floor and bury my head onto my small pale hands and cried. I couldn't handle the pain that I've been feeling.

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