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(I wasnt sure if I wanted to post this..but here you go.)

(Play the song above)

11:34 PM

We arrived at home very late, but who cares? I had fun with Ethan, probably the best we've done together.

Ethan came running to the front door, opening it. Ethan was surprised with Grayson standing there.

"Hi" Ethan smiled at Grayson, I look at Grayson and smiled too, but he scoffed and walked away, I felt my heart slowly shatter into pieces.

I pushed Ethan out of the way and yelled his name "Grayson!"

"What." He angrily says, he crosses his arms and clenched his jaw, making him look more intimidating, "What the fuck is up with you!"

"Oh? You want to know whats up with me? Maybe its because you two left together and you kissed my brother!" He yelled, I look at him in disbelief and so did Ethan, "Who told you that?" Ethan groans.

"Ellie." Grayson sighs, "You're a fucking cheater, I should have known better, I shouldn't have dated a slut cutting whore"

Again, my heart dropped, I bursted out crying, Grayson walked away but looked back at me one more time. Ethan clenched his fists and yelled his name one more time, again Grayson came back stomping.

"What the fuck do you want!?" He yells,

"Why would you believe Ellie in the first place?" Ethan yells, Grayson looked at him blankly and then to me.

Grayson didn't respond but all he did was he shook his head, he watched me cry in Ethan's arm. Ethan told me to go upstairs so I did.


Yelling, things being thrown around. Im sick of it.

My door suddenly opened as I wiped my tears, it was Grayson.

"You're so fucking annoying!" He kicks my chair making it stumble, he kept his eyes locked on mine, he walks up to me and grabbed me.

"You. Bitch." He yelled, he pins me down to the wall as he slaps me multiple times making my cheeks turn red, it suddenly reminded me of that time when he did this too.

I wanted Ethan to come save me, but what is he doing?

Slap after slap, tears after tears. I told him to stop but he wouldn't. He threw me on the ground, I wince in pain as I hit my own elbow.

Grayson looks down at me and started to kick me, "you're so fucking useless. Why am I even dating you?" He chuckles. We were dating for a few weeks, and hes already treating me like shit.

I shook my head as I stood up, I pushed him out of my way and made my way downstairs, I look at Ethan who was in the living room, crying.

I ignored him and I ran away.



I ran away while I was wiping my tears away, but it wouldn't work, the tears just kept rolling down my cheeks,

I looked around but I couldn't see clearly, my eyes were cloudy and blurry,

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