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A few loud knocks on my door woke me up, I groan angrily as I sit up and told the person to come in, it was Ethan.

"Hi.." I said, rubbing my eyes, he smiled at me and told me, "do you want to go somewhere with me?" He runs his fingers through his hair, making it look a little better.

"Yeah sure, I'll have to tell Grayson though," I stood up but he stopped me, "no, Grayson already knows," He half smiles, "Okay," I mumbled, I pushed him out of my room, "Im going to change, it might take me minutes" I said in a low voice. "Wait!" He knocks on the door, "what?"

"Were leaving at 8:30 pm"

I widen my eyes, "you woke me up just to tell me!"

He giggles, "yep"

"Hi B" Grayson kisses my cheek as he grabs the toast, "here" he threw it at me and he gave me a little smile as I caught it with one hand. "nice"

His smile then soon faded which made mine fade away too, I sat down on a chair and watched him cook breakfast for all three of us, I sat there, not saying anything, just silently eating the toast that Grayson gave me, I was admiring every single feature of him, everything.

His smile then soon faded which made mine fade away too, I sat down on a chair and watched him cook breakfast for all three of us, I sat there, not saying anything, just silently eating the toast that Grayson gave me, I was admiring every single f...

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"Do you want your eggs scrambled?" He turns around to look at me, "No," I smile, he nods his head and continued to cook.


Grayson's head turned and my head also turned, it was Ethan.

I look at Grayson, he looked a bit down, "Its okay Grayson," Ethan mumbles, walking up to him. Grayson looks at him and smiled but he continued to cook, ignoring what he basically have said.

Ethan walked up to me and said, "Remember, 8:30 ok?"

"8:30 what?" Grayson turns around to look at the both of us, "what?" Grayson asks

"Nothing, its nothing." He smiled, Grayson then turns back around and mumbled something under his breath but I didn't hear any of it.

Ethan sat with me, patiently waiting for Grayson to finish, "do you want to play rock paper scissors?" Ethan asks with a cheeky smirk.

"Were 15 Ethan, were not 6 anymore," I giggle, he pouts his lips and he said, "but you used to love playing rock paper scissors!"

"Ugh fine"

"Actually never mind," He laughs, he looks at me so he would be able to look at my reaction, my smile then dropped and instead I put a frown on my face.

"Here" Grayson puts the plates down on the table, he took the seat next to me, "Oh yeah, Bianca, I have to go somewhere at 5, I wont be home until 10." He smiles, putting his hand on my thigh.

"Where are you going?" I ask him, shoving a piece of the egg in my mouth. Ethan looks at me and shook his head. What? I thought.

"Nowhere," Grayson mumbled, "I- Im just going to go walk around." He smiled, removing his hand from me. I smiled back but it wasn't a real smile, it was somewhat of a fake smile. I look around the room, admiring every single detail of it. The room smells of eggs, chocolate and warm coffee. But seriously, who walks around for 5 hours?

Ethan hit my leg and he was trying to hold his laughter. I hit him back harder and he winced, now I was trying to hold my laughter. Grayson looks at the both of us, confused. The thing that was bothering me was that Grayson was acting strange.

I wonder whats up with him?

"Gray, whats up with you?" I ask him, rubbing his back, he put his hand on mine and pushed it away from him, I look at him with a frown on my face, "whats wrong?" I said a little louder, Ethan looks at me and tried to calm me down, "Grayson!"

"Its none of your fucking business." Grayson stood up, and looked at me. "You're so fucking nosy its annoying, Im going to my room." He said, I watch him slowly move away from us. He made his footsteps loud to show that he was pissed off at me.

"Bianca," Ethan mumbles, he stands up and took Grayson's seat. "Its okay, he's probably just having a bad mood today," He half smiles, he gave me a hug which suddenly made me blush a little.

"Thank you" I mumble. I hugged him back, he squeezed me tight and I wince a little. He chuckles, knowing what he was doing to me. He finally let go of me and told me"lets finish up?"


Time Pass
(short bonus part)

"Im leaving, see you later." Grayson said with no emotion at all, he slams the door shut which made me jump a little. Whats his problem?

Time Pass

"Soo.. Where are you taking me? My legs already hurt from walk-" I complain, but before I could even finish, Ethan carried me, bridal style, "Ethan?"

"Were here anyways." He looks down at me and smiled. I look to my right to find a beautiful scenery, we were on top of a hill. Not too big, not too small,

He put me down on the ground and made me lay there. He sat down next to me as he held my hand tight. "You know, me, Grayson, and my dad always used to go here. He looks up at the night sky, I look at him and he was holding back some tears, "We always go here." He sniffs, I sat up and rubbed his back, "Whats wrong?"

He looks at me and tucked a few strands of hairs that was on my face, "He died." He looks down, squeezing my hand a little tighter. "And today was the day when we last went here, together." He hugs me and cried on me. I started to feel tears in my eyes a little, seeing Ethan like this is rare. I don't like seeing anyone sad.

"H-He died of cancer.. And right now was the day when he died. It was his last day." He cried on me more, he squeezed me tight, I rubbed his back comforting him. "Bianca, please, don't leave us."


"Don't let your mom get you away from us. You mean the world to me Bianca, and I would do anything just for you, because I love you."

I felt everything go in slow motion, did he just say he loves me?

"What do you mean?" I rub my hand on his back slowly. "As friends?" I mumble.

He stopped for a bit, but he seemed a lot more sadder than before, "yeah, of course..just friends.."

I let go of him and kissed his forehead, "well, I love you too Ethan. As friends.." I whispered.


lol im planning on making a new book but it contains lots of smut, its not imagines its just like a smut based book y'know what i mean?

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