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want to know a spoiler? lol well the book is ending soon ((:: but theres more to come so stay tuned ;)



I know, I shouldn't have done that. I deserve to be forgotten by her, I just realized that me and her are both done, why? you can't date someone that doesn't even know you.

Saying that myself hurts, I honestly regret everything, every little thing that I've done to her that hurt her.

"Im..Grayson.." I smile a bit, she smiled a little. "And you're Bianca." I reached for her face, I was planning on kissing her cheek, but I held it back causing her to look at my hand,

"Oh.." She looks away from me, she looks at Ethan, who was smiling at her widely.

At this point, I couldn't help but to try and hold my tears back.

"Im Ethan" He chuckles, he held her hand, something that I haven't done to her yet.

I was terrified to even touch her, terrified that I would hurt her.

I took a big breath and stood up. "I'll be right back, alright?" I fake smiled to them both. And with that, I walked away from them slowly, I opened the door and closed it softly.

Once I heard the door 'click' I started to cry, I just couldn't help it.

I walked out of the hospital and went to the place that I knew would calm me down a little.

I climb the hill, causing very little dirt to fall down. Once I reached the top, I laid there, thinking about everything that I've done.

I learned how to love someone I wasn't expecting to even be with.

I learned how to hurt someone.

I learned how to be a jerk.

Why was I like this? Why do I have to become such a monster that ruin lives.

I put my arm on my head, covering my eyes that had tears in it.

I let the tears roll down, thinking that they would stop but of course, it didn't stop.

I never really planned on hurting Bianca. Its just..

Im just a jerk.

Bianca deserves a better family. She deserves to be with someone else, someone thats not me.

Im scared, Im scared to be with her. I don't want to hurt her again.

I should just move on, move on from her.

I should learn how to love someone else now.



"Remember, you have to lie to them." The nurse looks into my eyes deeply, I was terrified, I didn't know who the person is behind the mask

"If you don't fake about your memories, you better say goodbye to the both of your precious friends." She chuckled evilly.

I cried, hopelessly, I had to do this, I don't want anything to happen to them.

I love Grayson, but it has to be like this. Even if he has hurt me, Ive started to even like him day by day.

I still love him.


"How are you feeling?" Ethan smiled, he leaned back and crossed his arms, I look at him and smiled back in return, I look up at the ceiling and thought about what I was doing.

Is this really worth it? Is it really okay to sacrifice my relationship with the both of them just for this stupid deal?

What if she isn't even going to hurt them?

she will Bianca, just pretend that you've forgotten everything.

"Im fine." I lied.

"Okay, do you remember the times when we used to push Grayson into the pool?" He laughs, I do, I remember every single thing we've done in the past.

"Uh- no.. No I don't.." I lied again, this is so hard to do.

"Oh.. I see." He mumbled. I felt so bad, I just want to tell him the truth but I have to keep my mouth shut.

The door opens revealing Grayson, who seemed tired, my stomach immediately fluttered.

This happens every time I see him.

"Bianca. We have to cut things, alright?" He said, sitting down, my heart stopped, what does he mean.

"What am I saying?" He giggled but then stopped, "What I mean by that is, Were both done,"

"Just incase you remember about us dating.." He mumbled, losing eye contact from me.

"Oh, its okay." I smiled

No its not. Its not okay. Im not fine.

"Thats good.." Grayson mumbled, he looks down, fiddling with his fingers.

My heart thudded loud, probably loud enough for them to hear.

"Are-Are you okay?" Ethan leaned in to me. Looking at me with worry. "Yeah, yeah of course I am. Thank you Eth."

"Wait- Wait- say that again" He furrows his eyebrows together, "Thank you.. Eth?" I questioned.

"Thats what you always call me..." He mumbled, leaning back. I look at Grayson who was biting his lip nervously.

Im so fucking sorry.

A few loud knocks suddenly broke the awkward silence that was in the room.

"Come in" Grayson looks back, there she was, my mom. She was standing right there.

"Bianca my baby! What happened!" She runs up to me and I didn't know what to say so I started crying.

"I miss you" I whispered to her. She looks at me surprised, I knew she was told that 'I lost my memories'

"Darling.." She cried, she looks at Ethan and Grayson and her mood suddenly changed.

"Im Rose. Bianca's mom. Sorry for interrupting you" She sat at the very back of the room.

"No its okay, Im Grayson" he smiled to her, "Im Ethan" Ethan then waved to her and chuckled.

They're going along so well.

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