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(Sensitive stuff coming up.)

I could hear all their yells, screams. I can also hear things being thrown. It reminded me of when they used to bully me.


"Bianca! Open the fucking door!" A loud knock interrupts me from cutting my swollen arm, I look down at it and started to break down.

"G-Grayson.. Stop.." I yell, a tear fell on my arm and immediately felt a sharp pain,

"Get the fuck out hurry up you bitch!" He rattles the door knob which caused the door to slam open.

He laughs, "You've been cutting again!? Ethan! Look!"

Ethan peeked and I glare at both of them with my bloodshot eyes,

"Aww, cutting again! Thats the 3rd time today!" He chuckles. Grayson walked closer to me and grabbed my arm, causing more blood to flow.

He stares at my blood with a frown but shook it off with a smile.

"You never know when to stop, but its okay, we don't really care" He threw my arm, making it hit my chest, I wince in pain, seeing blood marks on my grey t-shirt.

Ethan closed his eyes and walked away, not wanting to see the sight.

I was choking on my sobbing, Grayson didn't clearly care, He stared at me and scoffed and slowly walked to the door, "keep cutting till you die."

Keep cutting till you die.

Words, those words swarmed around my brain, they stuck to me like glue. They were always the reason to all this,

I look at my arm again, it looks like a murder scene.

Im okay though, everything is okay.

End of flashback

"Bianca, Im sorry you had to hear those, I really am." Grayson snapped me out of my thoughts, he had a little cut on his hand which made me worry, "W-What happened?"

"Oh..yeah, I dropped a vase, yeah" He lied, he faked a smile which made me frown, My eyes traveled on his body.

"You're lying. Theres no vases in Ethan's room."

He sighs, he sat down next to me laying his head on my shoulder, "Its okay, Im okay, Everything's okay. So dont worry."

I walked away slowly from him to go and get bandages for him, I open the cabinet and theres one more left, i took a big sigh and took it,

"Whats that?" Grayson asks, he stands up as he looks at my hand that had the bandage in it

"Give me your hand," I said, he nods and I put the bandage on it.

"..thanks," He mumbled, he kissed my forehead and smiled. "I love you"

I said nothing but I smiled at him which caused him to pout, "you dont love me?"

"Of course I do! You silly"

"Good" He said as he tickles me with his left hand since his right hand was bleeding.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I laugh.

Ethan's POV

I could hear their laughter, their happiness was slowly breaking me down, Grayson knew I liked Bianca, and I still do.

I still can't believe Grayson would do this to me.

I swipe the broken glass fragments from the picture frame of me and Grayson that I threw on the ground.

I groaned and punched my pillow hard, trying to hold my tears.

I know I have a chance with her, I just don't know when.


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