Eli & Aeryn: Twenty Eight

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A: "How did it go?"

E: "How did what go?"

A: "You know what I'm talking about, Eli."

E: "No, no, I don't."

A: "Your driving test!"

E: "Sorry, never heard of it."

A: "You failed then, is what you're saying?"

E: "...maybe."

A: "Knew it."

E: "Don't be so cocky."

A: "But I said you wouldn't pass."

E: "Yeah."

A: "I was right."

E: "Yes, alright."

A: "Victory is sweet."

E: "So how did yours go then, Aeryn?"

A: "What?"

E: "Your test. I guess you passed with flying colours."

A: "Um..."

E: "You did not."

A: "I may have made a little mistake..."

E: "You failed the test!"

A: "Failed is a strong word-"

E: "You, Aeryn, failed the test! For once you're on my level, oh, this is great."

A: "..."

E: "What a pair we are."

A: "Yeah. Oh well."

E: "I'll never forget this, the day I got the same result as you."

A: "It's not like it's an academic test. And there are only two outcomes of a driving test, so-"

E: "Let me have my fun!"

A: "Fine."

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