Eli & Aeryn: Fifty One

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We're getting close to the end!

I know that'll please a fair few of you who have told me that this is really slow, which is fair enough. :P I think there will only be a couple more chapters, no more than five, I reckon.

I am entering the Wattys! As I said, the categories are weird and I don't think voting is even a thing for the only one I'm eligible for but I'm going for it anyway! ^-^

I don't know if you've seen but I think we're at the top end of 800,000 views, and although in the grand scheme of things it's not that big a deal (it is to me though) and that's pretty close to 1million, which I never thought this would ever get close too. So here is a hug for you being fantastic: (> ^-^ )>


E: "No way, Aeryn."

A: "Why?"

E:"It's illegal, you nut-job, that's why!"

A: "It's only a teensy bit illegal."

E: "I am not willing to get arrested or fined for you."

A: "Can I at least just try it out?"

E: "No! We're supposed to be leaving for our road trip, holiday thing and you are holding us up by trying to turn me into a criminal!"

A: "It's not a crime to let me drive the car for a bit."

E; "Considering your driving test crashed and burned it would most certainly be a crime."

A; "I thought we agreed that that was irrelevant and didn't need to be brought up again."

E: "You agreed, I said nothing. Right, everything's packed, we can go now."

A: "Fine..."

E: "..."

A: "...can I just go to that tree?"

E: "No!"

A: "Come on!"

E: "Stop-"

A: "If you really loved me you'd let me drive to that tree."

E: "...love doesn't come into this."

A: "Eeeeeeeli."

E: "Aeryn."

A: "Please?"

E: "...if you hit anything I will not be paying for the repairs-"

A: "Yes, yes, fine!"

E: "..."

A: "..."

E: "Aeryn, steady!"

A: "..."

E: "Brakes, now, Aeryn!

A: "..."

E: "Aeryn!"

A: "...I may not have braked quick enough-"

E: "Are you alright? Aeryn, are you okay? Are you hurt? Wait, stay there, I'll go get someone-"

A; "I'm fine, don't worry! The car might not be though."

E: "I don't care about that! Are you sure you're alright?"

A: "Yeah, I only nudged the tree a little, I'm not that bad at driving though, really."

E: "..."

A: "Eli?"

E: "...oh my God, I can't believe you just did that!"

A: "Don't laugh! I could have been injured!"

E: "..."

A: "Stop laughing!"

E: "I see why you didn't pass now""

A: "Shut up! You were worried for me a minute ago, what happened to that?"

E: "I-"

A: "That was so sweet, you were all caring and worried, I just want to-"

E: "Don't say it."

A: "-I just want to pinch your cheeks!"

E: "You said it..."

A: "Oh, you."

E: "...the car looks okay, still drive-able at least. I don't think multiple dents and scratches can really make a monstrosity like this look any worse."

A: "Alright, sweet cheeks."

E: "Aeryn!"

A: "Yes?"

E: "Keep talking shit and I'll just drive off on my own and have a great holiday without you."

A: "You wouldn't leave me, you looooove me too much."

E: "I'm leaving now."

A: "Wait for me, sugar plum!"

E: "I hate you."

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