A: "I think yesterday went pretty well."
E: "Yeah, your dad seemed to like me. After he finished staring me down."
A: "Er, yeah. He does that to people."
E: "Did he say anything about me afterwards?"
A: "He said 'that Eli is a nice boy. He's good for you'."
E: "Nice imitation voice, sounds just like him."
A: "I've been practicing."
E: "But I'm glad he likes me."
A: "I can't say the same for me about your dad."
E: "Yeah, sorry about that."
A: "What was it he said to me? Oh, yeah, 'I hope you can cook Aeryn, that is the woman's job after all and my son is a growing lad'. What an asshole."
E: "You held your tongue pretty well though. It's surprising he didn't melt under your glare though, that was terrifying to see."
A: "I'm glad I don't have to-"
A: "What?"
E: "Aeryn, look, ice cream!"
A: "It's Winter, Eli!"
E: "Ice cream is always in season. I'm getting one, wait here."
A: "Okay."
E: "..."
A: "You bought two, you're so greedy."
E: "Your low expectations of me hurt my soul. This one's for you!"
A: "Oh, thank you!"
E: "I got your favourite flavour as well."
A: "How did you know strawberry is my favourite flavour?"
E: "I asked you ages ago what your favourite ice cream flavour is."
A: "Oh yeah. Back when you were asking me loads of pointless questions."
E: "Not pointless."
A: "How did you remember anyway?"
E: "I remember things that are important to me."
A: "My favourite ice cream flavour isn't important."
E: "But you're important to me, and it's your favourite flavour, therefore it is important to me."
A: "I'm - you're important to me too."
E: "Well, that's obvious."
A: "You're such a-"
E: "You don't have time to insult me, your ice cream will melt."
A: "No it won't, it's Winter!"
E: "Irrelevant."
Got the ice cream idea from @The_Writing_Dreamer, although I changed the context. :P