Eli & Aeryn: Thirty Eight

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Updating a little early with a short chapter because we reached over 15,000 votes and we have nearly 300,000 reads. Do you know how amazing that is? You guys are great! :D

By the way, just making sure you know the word 'okay' was not invented in TFIOS. The amount of comments you guys leave me when one of them says 'okay' is extraordinary. xD


E: "The time has come where I must paint your face."

A: "..."

E: "Not literally, don't look so confused. It's for my project, remember?"

A: "Oh, yeah. This'll be fun."

E: "So negative. Okay, sit down here and I will go over to my canvas and paint you."

A: "You don't need to tell me your exact movements, my eyesight has not yet deteriorated and hopefully will not for many years. I can see what you're doing."

E: "I'm saying it out loud more for my benefit than yours. Your sass cuts me as deep as a knife, Aeryn."

A: "You're going to have to deal with it in return for me sitting here for God knows how long."

E; "It won't take too long for me to butcher this assignment. Besides, this is kinda payback for the Christmas caroling."

A: "My neighbours loved it, and so did you."

E: "..."

A: "..."

E: "Oh, Aeryn, smile please."

A: "Really?"

E: "Yes, there, you look so much nicer when you smile. Okay, now stay still..."

A: "..."

E: "...y'know, having to stare and analyze each detail of your face annoyingly hard has made me realize, even more than I have before, how beautiful you are, Aeryn."

A: "That's-"

E: "Not quite as beautiful as me, but that's just something we will have to learn to live with."

A: *sigh*

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