3| rules

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seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
it's okay not to be okay
sometimes it's hard to follow your heart
tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising

november 26monday

"you can stop pulling me now" Jack states bluntly as the two had reached the town's beautiful park. it wasn't too far from the school, but then again it was the middle of fall. Jack didn't want to be outside any longer than he needed to be. this deal meeting, he planned to be quick; so he could be able to go home and curl up into his warm blankets.

Finn noticed his firm grasp still on the smaller boy's wrist and instantly let go. he instead shoved his slightly cold hands into his coat pockets, looking down at the ground where he had seen leaves that had fallen from the trees above. both boys walked down the park's trail, not saying a word. the weird silence that surrounded them being enough. or that was until Finn finally took a deep breath in and released it. he watched the sight of his breath fade in the cold air, before taking a quick glance at Jack who walked beside him.

"i know this whole thing is completely random and we barely know each other..." Finn took a another breath. "but i really appreciate you doing this. and whatever rules you want to keep clear during this whole relationship, i'll gladly be okay with them" Finn finished. he honestly was a little scared of this plan. yeah he made it up, but then again he didn't think of all the possible thoughts other students in his school will be thinking.

"i only really have one" Jack replies. he takes his view from the concrete and leaves underneath their feet to look at Finn. the two held gazes before dropping it, not liking how it felt. Jack took the silence as for him to continue. "please don't let me fall in love. i don't care how many times you have to push me away...just don't let me catch such emotion" Jack choked out. he talked about the feeling called love as if it was a virus he would hate to get. not all viruses you can cure.

Finn tensed at his words. he didn't know what to say honestly. so instead he grinned down at Jack sheepishly before nodding his head. Jack returned the look, before his own smile returned back to a frown. Finn's did too, when seeing the younger boy suddenly become so upset. and just like all awkward situations, the curly haired boy decided to crack a joke to ease the tension.

"well if you can't fall in love, then that means i can't. i don't want to be the odd one out" Jack looked up at Finn in shock. but Jack couldn't help a small smile to grow when seeing the goofy look Finn was giving him. and that smile only widened with a chuckle when he was nudged lightly. "now that i think about it, i have a rule too. i get to be as clingy as I want. which means i will do whatever actions that make me look like an amazing boyfriend. obviously to your comfortable standards."

that made Jack go red in the face. the thought of Finn constantly kissing his cheek, or just holding his hand seemed...nice.

Jack nodded at his request.

"oh i just remembered! the café down the street is serving hot chocolate for only a dollar. wanna go grab a cup? i'll pay" Finn piped up, a childish smile plastered against his pale face. Jack seemed to smile himself upon seeing the other so happy about the idea.

"is this your way of asking me out?" Jack smirked. Finn stopped bouncing in his spot to allow his cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. he looked down at his feet, his bottom lip placed inbetween his teeth. he nodded slowly, before looking up and again connecting eyes with Jack.

"yeah. yeah it is. and i would be happy if you said yes. we could go on a fake date" Finn replied. The smaller boy moved a loose piece of his own curly hair from his eyes. he could see Finn so much better now. and it wasn't such a bad thing to see.

"sure. i'll go on a fake date with you."

Finn smiled widely. he took one of his now warm hands out of his coat pocket, before reaching down to grab Jack's cold one. the younger boy looked at their grasped hands, blushing slightly. Finn guided the two towards the café, not even noticing how Jack glanced at their hands ever so often in admiration. but he did allow heat to rise to his cheeks as he felt Jack lace their fingers together. the younger moved closer to Finn's side. and Finn just chuckled, pulling him closer so they were basically glued to each other's side with their intertwined hands in front of them.


Just to make things clear, everyone is their normal real life ages.
There will be no under age drinking.
No smoking.
No sexual contact made between any characters.
I'm not forcing this relationship upon the two, as I simply just love the two paired together, and I will show my appreciation through this app.
And finally this book will have a mixture of both long and short chapters. It all depends on what the idea is for that chapter.
Thanks, and until next time...

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