7| upset

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i promise that i will never lie to you boy
there's nothing i won't do
to spend my life with you
i'll give my all to you
i promise that i will never lie to you boy

november 29 — thursday

Jack walked into the school building head down, hoping that he wasn't seen by Finn or any of his friends. especially Noah. just the thought of the boy made Jack mad. if he liked Finn so much, why didn't they pair up to do this stupid deal? why did he have to be sucked into this? but then again Jack never had to agree. he could have said no and walk away.

shaking the thought, Jack slowly made his way to his locker his grip on his bag tightening when seeing who was waiting anxiously next to it. of course Wyatt was there like everyday considering they had the same first class, but next to him was Finn. and he didn't look too happy. sucking in a deep breath, the smaller boy approached his locker greeting Wyatt but not even glancing at Finn.

"so i guess what Noah told me was true?" Finn blurted as the awkward tension had risen. Wyatt looked between the two boys in surprise. they're already mad at each other.

"what did Noah tell you?" Jack replied crossing his arms. he bit on his lip nervously, his gaze never stopping on Finn.

"that you're breaking up with me. that i wasn't worth it!" the pale boy began to shout. Jack jumped back from his sudden anger, getting a little upset himself. he never said any of that.

"uh, i'm going to head to class...see you guys later" Wyatt dragged, before turning on his heels and briskly walking away. the other two didn't really care though, as their attention was mainly on each other.

"well Noah's a liar, because i never said i was breaking up with you. and i most definitely never said that you weren't worth it" Jack replied. Finn seemed to calm at his words. he pouted his lips, and tilted his head lightly.

"you didn't?"

"no you idiot! but from what i heard i'm annoying to you. that you couldn't possibly find me attractive because i'm me, and that we are polar opposites" Jack fired back. he looked down at his feet, feeling that same pang from yesterday.

the feeling of his head being lifted was what made him finally lock eyes with Finn. Jack felt tears prick his eyes.

"i mean it's true. i'm annoying. no one will ever actually like me. i'm just so simple. a loser" Jack stated while pushing Finn away, turning from him slightly. Finn frowned at the sight.

is that how he actually thinks of himself?

it was Finn's single thought.

"you're not annoying. i don't know why you would think that i see you that way? Jack you're not simple either. you're far from it" Finn turned Jack's body so they faced each other once again. he wiped a stray tear that fell down Jack's cheek. "as for a loser...no comment" he joked making Jack chuckle lightly himself. "you know what? I do have a comment. and it's that you're not a loser, you're a lover" Finn winked.

Jack sucked in a deep breath, before wrapping his arms around Finn's torso and hugging him tightly. the older of the two didn't hesitate to tighten the hug and burry his face in Jack's mop of brown curls.

"i'm sorry" Jack mumbled into Finn's chest.

"it's okay. i'm sorry too" the two broke apart. Finn placed his hand on Jack's cheek, caressing it ever so gently with his thumb. "whoever you really date is going to be one lucky person" the smaller boy hummed at such statement.

and without thinking, Jack leaned to give Finn a quick peck on the lips. Finn smiled at such affection.

"walk me to class?" Jack wondered. Finn gave Jack another kiss that seemed longer and little more passionate.

"of course."

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