6| talk

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trying hard not to hear, but they talk so loud
their piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubt
yet i know that their goal is to keep me from falling
but nothing's greater than the risk that comes with your embrace
and in this world of loneliness, i see your face
yet everyone around me thinks that i'm going crazy
maybe, maybe

november 28 — wednesday

Jack was simply getting his things from his locker, Finn anxiously waiting beside him. Sophia had theatre club going on today, so she couldn't walk Jack home. it didn't affect the smaller boy, as this was a normal thing to happen every wednesday. maybe Finn would be willing to walk him home anyway.

"ready to go?" Jack smiled and slamming his locker door shut. Finn perked up, fixing his bag strap and nodding his head. Jack giggled at his actions, before clasping their hands together. the two were beginning to walk towards the exit of the school when Finn suddenly stopped remembering something. Jack looked back at the curly haired boy confused. "what's wrong?"

"i can't walk you home today" Finn pouted. Jack's mood dropped too.

"why not?"

"i have detention. but maybe next time I could-" Finn was cut off.

"it's fine. go before you get into more trouble" Jack spoke with a weak smile grazing his features. Finn noticed such look and pulled the shorter boy closer. the two were chest to chest staring at each other.

"you sure? i don't want you to be upset" Finn wondered and moving a piece of hair out of Jack's eyes. the other loved such action and practically melted at the touch. Jack hummed. "alright. can i get a goodbye kiss?" Finn smirked. Jack blushed under such question.

"don't push it Wolfhard."

Finn laughed aimlessly, getting ready to head to the detention room. but before he got too far, Jack had stopped him. and the second Finn had managed to look back at Jack, he had felt a pair of lips peck his gently. Finn's eyes went wide, as the smaller boy turned a darker shade of red than he already was.

"i figured you earned your ten boyfriend points" Jack muttered out. Finn smiled at the other standing before him. and using his slightly larger hand, Finn lifted Jack's head by his chin and again left a soft kiss upon the other's lips. a sudden feeling was erupting making Jack be the one to break away first. "see you later Bubba."

"see you later Jackie."


Jack had only a street to go until he had reached his house. but his focus on reaching the place he called home, was interrupted as he heard his name being called. he lifted his head from looking down at the autumn leaves under his feet, to search around to where the voice could possibly be. his name was being shouted from a distance, making Jack think that it was coming from behind him. and when turning his head, he did indeed see a familiar face running to catch up with him.


Jack stopped walking, and waited for said boy to officially be standing next to him.

"hey" Jack was the first to speak.

"hi" Noah replied. he was panting heavily from running. a tension hung in the air for a few moments. "you and Finn huh?" he chuckled.

"yeah...i never would have guessed we would happen. i mean who would?" Jack replied a small smile growing when just hearing Finn's name.

"not i, i'll tell you that" Noah snickered. Jack instantly snapped his head up to look at the other. yeah, him and Finn weren't a match made in heaven, but they weren't so bad where a miracle would have to happen for the two to get together.


"do you really think that Finn might actually like you? not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, but he just needs you for this little deal" Noah explained. Jack was hurt at the words, but then again shocked at how Noah knows about the whole fake relationship.

"how do yo-"

"how do i know about you and Finn fake dating? oh Jackie, he told me. he told me right after he got together with you. so innocent, so pure. no wonder why he planned to come over my house later today. to rant about how annoying you are" Jack didn't have anything to say. he suddenly felt a pang at his chest as if he was punched. "it's okay though Jackie. i won't let him say anything too harsh."

"it doesn't matter. we promised to never fall for each other anyway" Jack managed to choke out. Noah raised an eyebrow at the boy, a devilish smirk forming on his lips.

"oh is that right?" Noah slyly responded. Jack nodded. "so you wouldn't mind me dating him then. i mean after you two oh so suddenly break up tomorrow" he blinked cutely after. Jack furrowed his eyebrows getting upset.

"everyone would find it weird that we broke up only two days after we got together" Jack states bluntly.

"oh, no need to worry about that. you just need to remember that Finn's mine. not Millie's. not yours. mine!" Noah snapped, getting a little too close for Jack's liking.

Jack just pushed Noah away and ran the rest of the way home. he shouldn't be feeling like this. Finn and him just started this dumb deal. so why does it hurt so much? why does it hurt that he's going to lose Finn to someone else?


Aw I hate making Noah the bad guy. But it helps create drama so...

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