23| make me stay

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anger, love, confusion
roads that go nowhere
i know that somewhere better
'cause you always take me there
came to you with a broken faith
gave me more than a hand to hold


february 13 — sunday

Jack was all alone in his bedroom, snuggled under a blanket as the series baby daddy played from netflix on his laptop. Finn was supposed to come over and watch it with him; but of course said that he had to reschedule because he was busy working on a project with Noah. the news nearly crushed Jack a little. and he feels like it hurts more considering valentines day is tomorrow and Finn hasn't said a single word about what the two would do.

Jack clutched his blankets tighter, hoping that the pain coursing through his chest would stop. luckily he was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a faint tap come from his window. at first the small boy shook it off, thinking that it was just a tree hitting against the glass. that thought was dismissed as the tapping had suddenly gotten faster and a tree couldn't pick up like that unless there was wind. there was no fast winds tonight. so Jack's curiosity getting the better of him, he threw the covers off his body and moved his laptop to the side of him. he cautiously made his way towards the window as the reason for all the noise could be a robber.

he opened it, to see that it was just Finn.

"speak of the devil" Jack whispered to himself, as he gave an eye roll.

"hey baby. can i still visit?" Finn whispered shouted. Jack thought it over, biting his lip. and subconsciously he shook his head as to say "no" Finn furrowed his eyebrows a little hurt and confused. "it's only eight. why not?"

"you should have already been here. but instead you blew me off for Noah...again" Jack answers his voice coming out more hoarse than he had expected. maybe it was because of the lack of using it. or maybe because he cried a little the second Finn sent him the message that he wasn't going to be able to make it.

"i know and i'm sorry. but I promise it was for a good reason."

Jack still shook his head. he couldn't take it.

"go home Finn" Jack managed to choke out.

"but you are my home. please just let me come up to see you" Finn pleaded as he already began to climb a ladder he put there months before. he just felt having to climb the tree next to Jack's bedroom window, he was more at risk of breaking something.

soon the two were face to face. Finn could see how upset Jack really looked now.

"aw, baby what's wrong?" Finn wondered as he placed his hand against Jack's soft cheek. the younger just moved out of his grasp, feeling his skin burn under the touch. he doesn't want to be touched by someone who was already infected by another. Finn frowned from such movements.

"do you love me?" Jack randomly asks. Finn was utterly confused now.

"of course. why ar-" he was cut off.

"then leave. i'll see you at school tomorrow."

"what? no. Jack why are you acting like this?" Finn questioned immediately after. the two never met eye contact.

"please go" Jack squeaks. the movement of a ladder was heard. and when Jack looked up he was able to see that Finn had done what he was ordered and left. Jack sighed as he closed his bedroom window. the small boy was going to curl back into a ball under his blankets, but suddenly his bedroom door had burst open.

it was Finn.

Jack watched him in awe. Finn stalked up to his respected boyfriend and placed his lips on his. Finn raised his hands to Jack's cheeks, as Jack tangled his fingers into Finn's thin sweater. and for a few short moments it was just the two of them. Jack was the one to break the loving kiss and stare up at the other in admiration.

"i'm not going anywhere."

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