20| new year

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you make me wanna be a romantic
you make me wanna be a star
you make me wanna act different
i love you for who you are
you make me want to run circles around you
so glad that i found you


december 31 & january 1 — monday & tuesday

it was like a tradition. every year Finn and his friends would go to his house to stay up until midnight; to wait the arrival of the new year. they would all sleep out in the main room, with the tv on the news channel, only paying attention when the countdown was showing. they all would say new year resolutions, but not a single one of them would actually follow through with what they planned. and now that Finn and his crew had made more amazing friends there was more people to spend the night with.

and that's exactly what was happening at 11:50 pm at the Wolfhard household. Finn's parents like every year laid in their room, not wanting to bother the group of kids who were scattered everywhere. music was being played within the room at a decent volume level. and it seemed like everyone was doing a different thing. it was either you were talking, or playing a game. everyone was simply enjoying each other.

Finn smiled gently before making his way into his kitchen, where there was a lay out of various types of snacks. not even feeling that hungry he just poured himself a cup of some random juice. and he was only able to take a sip, when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. they tugged his body around, while this smaller figure hid between him and the island counter. Finn chuckled when realizing who it was.

"Jack what are you doing?" Finn wondered while setting his cup down. the smaller boy just giggled, before gripping onto Finn tighter as he heard fast footsteps coming closer. and soon enough he was met with an amused Wyatt. his arms were crossed as he eyed the two boys.

"no! don't let him get me! i plead mercy!" Jack tried to sound scared, but couldn't contain the laughs that had escaped. now Finn couldn't be any more than confused. Wyatt kept getting closer, making Jack's grip get tighter. "okay i'm sorry. i didn't mean to beat you at rock paper scissors...fourteen times. if you want i'll let you win" Jack had choked out and moving Finn around like he was a barrier.

"too late for that short stack" Wyatt smiled himself. he managed to snatch Jack from Finn. Jack wiggled and moved, trying to get away from Wyatt's death grip; but couldn't really as Wyatt moved his lanky fingers all over Jack's body tickling him. Finn stood back and watched quite intrigued by the sight.

"F-Finn. y-you're supposed t-to be helping m-me" Jack had managed between his adorable giggles. Finn cocked an eyebrow and again grabbing for his drink.

"you're on your own for this one" and with that, the curly haired boy took a sip from his cup. just when Wyatt decided to give Jack a break, Jeremy came rushing in the kitchen with Gaten.

"guys! it's almost time for the countdown."

"yeah, get out here!"

the three boys looked at each other before all exiting the kitchen and entering the main room. and just as they entered, the group of friends all stood around the tv listening to a random celebrity talk about how the countdown should be starting in only a few seconds. Finn grabbed Jack's hand, making the smaller boy turn to look at him with a bright smile.

"10, 9, 8..."

"my new years resolution is making you mine. and for real this time" Finn stated gently making Jack blush a deep red.

"i guess my resolution would probably have to be saying yes to that. and for real this time" Jack replied making Finn smile bright.

"3, 2, 1!"

Finn smashed his lips to Jack's passionately.

"happy new years!" the group of friends shouted out loud, cheering excitedly right after.

"happy new years Jackie."

"happy new years Bubba."

"you owe me fifteen bucks Caleb!"

"you owe me fifteen bucks Caleb!"

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The end...

Okay yes I know this may be a terrible ending, but then again it wasn't too bad. If you want me to add a few more fluffy chapters like one shots to branch off this story line/plot I could. But other than that this is the end. Hope you enjoyed and until next time...

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