15| emotions

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how would you like it if i do the things you do
put you on do not disturb and entertain these dudes
i'ma ride him crazy and you'll never have a clue
give another guy everything that belongs to you


december 14 - friday

"hey, how about we all hang out today? just for a few hours. i don't wanna be bored again" Caleb announces as the large group of friends exit the building. it was weird for all of them being together at the end of the day. but no one was complaining, as this was just a way for them to get closer as friends.

well it was everyone, just not Jack.

"i'm down. my weekend plans just consisted of binging netflix shows anyway" Sadie smiled. her comment made everyone else agree to visit Caleb's home for a little bit. they all were walking down the concrete streets having casual conversation. or well Finn wasn't. he was silent, thinking everything over. Jack, their fake relationship, their break up, suddenly kissing Noah. it wasn't sitting well with him. all of his emotions and thoughts were a bit overwhelming. he even last night had gotten a headache from thinking too hard.

"hey, you okay?" a shy voice wondered. looking to the side of him, he could see Noah walking beside him. the two were lagging behind the group and Noah knew everything anyway. it wouldn't be like he was letting a big secret off his chest. he was just telling his best friend his feelings. it's what best friends did anyway, right?

Finn shook his head, staying quiet.

"no Noah. i'm not okay. i tried to distract myself like you said..." Finn took a deep breath. "but i just can't. it's like Jack is always in the back of mind. i think about how i shouldn't like him, that this was all just some stupid deal to get Millie away from me. but now i'm all messed up. i can't stop remembering every cute thing Jack had said or done. and i've come to terms with myself that Millie isn't even all that bad."

Noah stayed quiet. he looked down at his feet, kicking frost bitten rocks all around. he could tell how passionate Finn is about Jack. yeah it hurt, to know he was in love with someone else; but Noah couldn't do anything. if he tried to take Finn away now, he would just be hated on. Jack and Finn work well together. he needs a distraction himself.

"have you tried talking to him? maybe he feels the same way you do?" Noah sighs. but before Finn could reply, one of their friends had yelled out for the two.

"we're going to the park! don't wait up!"

it was Gaten. both him and Jaeden were running past the park gates and instantly heading for the jungle gym. not far behind was the others. even if it was cold outside and practically all the equipment to the park was frozen, that didn't stop them. the group was even throwing the little amount of snow that had fallen at each other. Finn and Noah stayed back, laughing at the childish kids. the two of them walked the path, looping around the whole park.

"no" Finn breathed.


"you asked if i've talked to him. the answer is no. not sense the break up" he explains making Noah nod along. the two walked in silence, or that was until Finn furrowed his eyebrows at a sight in front of him. he nudged Noah lightly, causing the younger to hum for a response. "who's that?" he wondered. Noah looked at the only two people within view and wasn't shocked.

"oh, her name is Ellie. she's new. she's in a few of my classes, and literally all she talks about is Jack and how he helped her around school. she's only been here for two days and she already gives me a headache" Noah answers, making Finn chuckle lightly.

"well does he like her back?" Finn asks. they were nearing closer to the pair, making his heart quicken.

"i thought he was gay? why does it matter?" the younger boy asks with an amused smirk. Finn shot him a look. "oh, is little Finnie jealous?" Noah now nudged him and laughing lightly.

"jealous of what?"

both boys placed their attention to in front of them and came face to face with Jack and Ellie.

both boys placed their attention to in front of them and came face to face with Jack and Ellie

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