8| stay away

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when the sun shines, we shine together
told you i'll always be here forever
said i'll always be your friend
took an oath that i'm a stick it out till the end
now that's it's raining more than ever
know that we still have each other
you can stand under my umbrella

november 29 — thursday

it was currently lunch and the fact that Jack knew Finn and his friends will again be joining his group's lunch table, gave him nerves. or maybe it was just the fact that Noah will be there? either way Jack wasn't comfortable. he kept shifting in his seat, eyeing his food as if it did him wrong. of course his friends noticed his strange behavior, yet didn't want to pester him just in case he might freak out. when it came to Jack and his feelings, he usually closed himself off. he didn't want anyone knowing why he was hurting.

but you only live once right? might as well take a shot.

"are you okay Jack? are you and Finn okay?" Wyatt spoke up, lightly nudging his shoulder. Jack instantly snapped his head up looking at Wyatt with an unreadable expression. he furrowed his eyebrows with a small frown.

"no yeah, we're fine. we made up right after you left" Jack explained waving his curly haired friend off. the thought of a fight made Sophia suddenly really intrigued. she actually loves the thought of Jack and Finn together. and if they broke up she thinks she would cry.

"you two had a fight? already? please tell me your relationship isn't in jeopardy!" Sophia jumped up, rambling at a fast pace. Jack chuckled lightly at her. but before he could respond, a different voice had spoken up.

"our relationship is just fine. right Jack?" it was Finn in all of his glory. Jack stood up from his seat and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend; resting his head on Finn's chest. he smiled at everyone at the table, before nodding.

"yeah, perfectly fine" Jack mumbled. Finn smiled down at Jack, wrapping his own slender arms around the smaller boy. and when looking up, Jack leaned his head, puckering his lips motioning for a kiss. Finn chuckled at the sight, before dipping down lightly and placing a sweet kiss upon the other's lips. Sophia squealed at the sight.

the two just seemed so lost in each other.

it was adorable.

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