Chapter Thirty-Four: Regret It

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Mazrieth's POV

I finally felt empty as the darkness took over my place. The last thing I remembered is trying to save Flare but suddenly, everything went black. Until, I drifted my eyes open as I finally blinked open when I regained my consciousness. Where was I?

"Where am I?"

I wasn't tied up nor being chained but I do know that the outcome earlier is very bad for me and Flare. But as I snapped out of senses, I realized that I'm inside of a metal cell. The ground was cold, I shivered. I stood up and looked around me. "Hello? Anyone?" I called anyone to come for me. Although, no one answered. 

"Hello?! Anyone?"

No one did. And then, I hear something. A faint roar from a dragon. Wait, a dragon? I turned my eyes at both sides to see which position where the dragons are kept. Another cry happened again but this time, it was a loud call. "What was that?"

Farther more, I leaned back to see all with my sight until then, I spotted two dragons on the two separated cages. "What the-?" I found out that the first cage has a dragon with three tails like a scorpion. It also has two sharp claws clasping very loudly. To be precise, that is the Triple Stryke, the dragon that I lastly fought before I passed out. On the other side, there was another dragon but this time, I noticed a chain bounded on the silver tail. That tail found me very familiar. 

I walked near at the pillow of metal and leaned closer with my arms extended out and then lastly, I finally found her. "Flare!" I screamed with a relief face from mine as I smiled to see her okay and no injuries stated. "Are you okay? Don't worry.. I'll get you outta there!"

Flare lowered her roaring cry as she lean her head, trying to reach me. "I know, we're gonna get--.."

But before I continued, there was a three figures coming as the door creaked open. I saw it coming. One of them walked out as it goes towards the caged dragons. I struggled beyond the pillar and then, one person came to approach me. I stopped as I reached my dagger hidden on my pocket and raising up for defending myself but what comes next, the cell door opened wide. 


I gasped as I familiarize the voice and the appearance. It was...Dad


Without his second reply, he goes inside and grabbing my own wrist as he dragged me out. I was shocked for that. "Dad?!" He stopped as he holds my shoulders. "We need to talk, Mazrieth."

"Talk? About what?", I asked dumbly.

"About what happened today!", he yelled angrily. His voice became very low and deep, glancing at my face. "Tell me, Mazrieth. What's the meaning of that? How did you met that dragon? How did you call it? How did you named it?"

"Dad, I--.."

"Answer my question first!", Dad snapped. "Answer me!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. "Yes I am."

The silence began to grew and spreading around us and suddenly, he hissed and giving me a shock as he grabbed my neck and raising me up, gripping it as I struggled for air. "Aaah!"

"I should know that right from the start, I felt myself betraying by my own daughter. I trusted you, Mazrieth! I gave you a perfect life to live and to fight for dragons and this is how you payed me?! How could you?!", Dad holding my neck very tightly and I started to cough out. 

"Dad, sto-- Stop it...", I begged and began to lose my breath.

"I wish that you better---.."

As Dad trying to choke me out, a girl appeared inside the dungeon. "Papa, stop it!"

I coughed and scuffled hard to set myself free from Dad's bulky hands. "Da-- Dad.. I beg you.."

"Dad, stop it. You're killing her!", Shianne cried out as she pleased to him to let me go. Dad sighed as his real daughter begging him until he putted me down gently. 

There, I coughed hardly and trying to catch my breath. "Ah...", I grunted and rubbing my neck with my right hand. 

"Mazrieth, do you know that this thing happened to you is an embarrassment for me as the Chief of Krell? Do you know what that means is?", Dad asked me again.

"I know. I'm sorry, Dad.. I messed up! I screwed everything! But please, I beg you just don't hurt Flare!", I implored Dad.

"That dragon?! Is that what you worried about?! Not the people you almost killed?!", he shouted back.

"She--.. She was just protecting me. It was not dangerous!"

"They've killed hundred of us!"

"...and we've killed thousands of them!", I continued his sentence. "Dad, those dragons just defended themselves that's all. If they're didn't bring any food from us or neither, there will be cannibals for each other! There is something else on that island, Dad! A big, ferocious yet has small eyes but big body that hidden on that--.."

Dad's eyes widen as I mentioned one thing, about the Dragons' Nest and the queen.

"Their island?!", he slowly stepped towards me. "So, you've been to the nest...", he said with his lower tone but lately, he grinned.

"Did I say nest?"

"How did you find it?! I wanted to go that place but--.."

"Dad, I didn't. Flare did. Only dragon can find their island."

As I finally answered his question, he grinned very evilly and suddenly, he walked away from me. "Uh Dad?" He didn't respond but he instead continued to walk away from us. I realized that when I said about that, he's gonna do something. If I can guess, attacking the Dragons Nest.

"Dad? Dad, this isn't what you think. Dragons are not easily to kill because they're--.."

"Gather all Vikings and ready all ships!", Dad commanded loudly for them as they're on their move. 

Shianne shocked and tries to get Dad's attention. "Papa?"

"Dad, what are you planning to do?!", I bite my lip as I felt regret to tell everything to my Dad. I knew that this is the conclusion of telling the truth. Damn myself!

"What am I gonna to do?", he stopped and looked at me. "Destroying them..." He later turned his head away from looking at me.

"......and slaughtering them all..."

(To be continued)

Cliffhanger! *yells* Sorry guys, but the exams are up and I need to study as in...damn.. -_-

But, see you later! I'm update the next chapter if this exams are done for good!! XD Sayonara!

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