Changing the Playboys

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"You're kidding right?" I yelled at her with a grin on my face, I've been waiting for this day forever and now it has finally come the day were she actually stopped threatning me and just did it herself. She glared at me while sticking my clothing in the red suitcase she shook her head and was muttering something that sounded like profanity and I wasn't going to doubt it was about me there's no way in hell it was about him. 

"I don't want you in my house, I don't want you near my kids, and I sure as hell don't want you near me." Her teeth were grinding together now,face was a fuming red and I wouldn't doubt that steam was going to blow out her ears like they do in cartoons. I really wish her head would pop off her body so I can just kick it around. 

"So you're throwing a seven-teen year old out on the streets, because of some dumb reason?" I said like it was perposterous to even do things like that but actually I was extatic what kind of seven-tenn year old would be mad because of this. Not to mention that she made me want to kill her everyday of my life. "I mean you can't just ground me like every other regular parent?" I asked her, hoping she wouldn't really want to grown me and just stick with kicking me out. 

"Grow up Natalie," She said chucking the suitcase across the room. Maybe I could still take her, I suitcases aren't that heavy anyone can chuck a suitcase across the room. 

"If you don't know, I did grow up! You don't see five year olds doing what I did." I chuckled remembering most of the things we did.

"I'm not supposed to see 17 teen year olds doing what you're doing!" She shouted at me.

"Okay then what are you going to do send me to my aunts, granma's, grandpa?" I asked her like she was stupid almost everyonen in our family despised me so when ever she sent me over to there house they treated me like I wsn't even there, literally. Sometimes they even locked the door, forgetting that I stayed there. 

"Close." The blonde haired women I call mom smirked at me. "I'm sending you out to fend for your self." She handed me my suitcase.

I looked at her in mock shock. "Kicking me out totally like on the streets by myself?" She nodded her head to my question."I guess you'll be a grandmother sooner then I thought." I joked and took the suitcase out of her hand and headed downstairs to were the twins were. I gave both of the 13 year olds hugs.  "I'll miss you so much and if I do find a place to live you'll be the first I call."

"You better." Angel said, pushing back her brown hair.

"Yeah, I can't spend all my time talking to Angel." Angelo said giving me a tighter hug. He pushed out of my hold and handed me something. "Just in case you forget what we look like." He grinned handing me a picture, with the two twins standing together in front of a balloon background. 

"Me love you long time." I kissed both of their foreheads and went out the door to start my adventure.

Authors Note: So this is a mass edit porportion, so tell me what you think. I have so many reads but very few comments and reads. I actually like knowing what you think even if you think this book sucks. JUST TELL  ME! 

Changing the Playboys(to read the rest of this you have to go to Empty_Love)Where stories live. Discover now