Chap 5- what are all these feelings?

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Yongsun's POV

I was happy today, why?

Cause finally, the person that i had a crush on is dating me now, Eric.

I was screaming inside me, i recalled just now and giggled.

"Why are you so happy, Solar?" Moonbyul asked, i gave her a look like she didn't had to know.

But i still told her anyways.

"It's about Eric! He is finally dating me!" I screamed, i was filled with joy inside me, jumping up and down like how a kid would do for a ice cream.

"Oh." Was all she said, seesh, what kind of friend is she? She should at least congratulate me or something.

"Well..congrats." She said and smiled, i smiled back widely.

"Thanks Moonstar!" I said and hugged her, a sisterly hug.

Although i felt a tingling sensation whenever I'm around her, I don't know what it is, but it's unusual.

Before we knew it, we started talking and time flew by.

It was now 7, and gosh am i sleepy, i wanted to sleep, but I couldn't, cause i was too hungry.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched, asking Moonbyul to follow me which she did.

Sometimes, i wonder why she is so nice to me..

We went out and grab some food, before going back, we were talking like usual, when i saw Eric.

My eyes was glued to him, he looked so happy.

I didn't know why, I don't feel shy when I'm around him.

I pulled Moonbyul's sleeve and she looked at me, our eyes met and i felt nervous all of a sudden, shoot, the feeling is coming back again!!!

What is this?

Gosh, her eyes..they're so beautiful, i could look at them-wait..what am i thinking?

No no no, Yongsun, think of Eric..only Eric..

I looked at her and blinked my eyes, before forcefully looking away and pointing towards Eric.

She sighed and nodded.

This isn't her, what's wrong with her? Isn't she happy for me?

I pouted and nodded my head, before walking towards Eric and his gang?

Moonbyul walked back to our dorm, i think.

When i reached, i looked down, since i was's all boys after all.

"Who is this?" They all asked and i looked over at Eric.

"She is my girlfriend, guys, this is Yongsun." He said and wrapped his arms around me, i felt like i was going crazy now.

I smiled widely and bowed down shyly.

"Hello, my name is Yongsun, nice to meet you guys." They all said hi to me and introduced themselves one by one.

We talked for a bit, before i decided to head back to the dorm.

Eric gave me a kiss on the cheek, although he wanted to kiss me on the lips, i rejected it.

I didn't know why i did, but i did.

I was walking back to our dorms, when i reached the dorm, i heard faint sounds of crying.

Who could it be? What happened? Why is the person crying?

Is it..Moonbyul?

I twisted the doorknob and took in a deep breath, wanting to find out who this person is.

It was Moonbyul.

"H-hey? Why are you crying?" I said and shut the door, why does my heart ache so much when i see her cry?

Why is she even crying? Today is suppose to be a happy day. Seeing her cry just makes me want to cry.

I didn't know why, but my hands were moving on it's own.

It shifted to her cheeks. I wiped her tears away, and hugged her.

I wanted to feel her warmth, i like hugging her..i know it sounds weird..but I've never been so touchy and clingy and huggy to anyone before, not even Eric..

Now that i think of it..why am i feeling all these?

I looked at her, only to notice she had stopped.

"Why were youy'all crying?" I asked, my voice cracking a little due to me feeling different inside.

I didn't know how to explain what i was feeling.

What is this feeling anyways?

"Y-ongsun ahh.." she said and cupped my face.

I blushed at what she just did, "w-hats wrong with y-ou Moon-star ah?" I stuttered and cursed myself for doing so.

"I'm sorry, so sorry.."

"What happened?" I asked, now worried as ever, i gripped onto her wrist and she held my hand now.

"Lets not talk about this, I'll tell youyou next time when it's time."

What she just said made me even more curious, what is she even talking about..and also what am i feeling?

I knw this chap is v short, forgive me, its v late n i shld be sleeping when im not, cause i wanted to write, sorry for not publishing this earlier, hope u liked this chap, and please vote and commet and guess what Moonstar is talkin bout, thx for taking ur time to read, i appreciate it a lot!!! 😄

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