Chap 6- Why can't you just love me back?

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Yongsun's POV

After she cried, she slept and i lied next to her on the bed.

I looked over at her, she looked so peaceful and so beautiful..I can't help but smile and giggle.


Sometimes i question myself if i really had a crush on her or Eric..but i made myself to not believe that i actually like her.

I sighed, and looked at her, then her lips.

My heart started beating at a rapid pace, goshh..why are you doing this to me, Moonbyul-Yi?

I sighed and sat up, brushing my hair with my hnads, clearly frustrated with myself.

Should i sleep or go out and grab some dinner?

I thoght for a while and decided to get out and buy dinner.

When i was still thinking of what to buy, someone's hand was over my eyes.

I was shocked at first, but hear a familiar voice.

"Guess who?" I smiled and looked at him.

"Eric, don't ever do that again, it scares me." I said and he chuckled.

"Sure, babe." He said and winked, while i shook my head and continued thinking of what to buy for Moonbyul and me later on.

"Whatcha doing here anyways?"

"Buying dinner." I replied.

"Don't buy, lets have a date." He said and i thought of it for a while.

"Maybe..some other time? I'm sorry Eric, i have plans for today." I said and he looked sad, pouting.

I didn't feel anything when he did that and wondered why, usually, when i upset him, i feel bad and all..but now, no.

"Sorry." I said and sheugged my shoulders.

"It's okay babe, see you tomorrow?" He said and i nodded my head.

"Bye." He said and kissed me on the cheek, knowing that I wouldn't allow him to kiss me on the lips.

I smiled and waved bye back, before deciding to buy bimbimbap(sorry, i chose this since its my fave)

I really wanted to see Moonbyul now..I didn't know why, but i just do.

So, i quickly buy and headed back.

When i reached the outside of the dorm, i took in a deep breath and stepped in.

Where is she?

I looked around, calling for her name, hoping she would answer me back, but as i expected she didn't.

I sighed and combed my hair with my left hand.

I wanted to cry now, why?

I sighed again, this time it was shaky.

I'm very emotional, so things that are just so little makes me cry easily...

"Where are youare Moonbyul?" I said, but no answer came back.

I decided to wait for her, but after some time gave up since i was getting hungry and the food was getting cold.

Moonbyul's POV

I woke up, and hoping to feel a sense of warmth, I didn't.

I looked next to me, hoping the person that i could see right now was Yongsun, i craved for her, every second, every minute that i spendwith her are memories.

I love her.

But why..can't she love me back?

My heart tore into two when reality hits me, that she was now with Eric, do i still even have a chance?

I sighed, and shook my head.

"No I don't." I said, tears were now evident in my eyes, but i wiped it with my bare hands.

Maybe i should just move on and try my best to give up on long as she is happy with the one she loves, i will be too, for her.

I sighed again and decided to get out for some fresh air, i should become the old me again anyways.

I was walking around and then there was a group of girls who came to me, flirting again.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, before looking at the girl who looked stunning, she wasn't like Yongsun, but she will do.

I walked towards her, and smirked at her.

She blushed sightly, looking down.

"Do you know who i am?" I whispered into her ears and she nodded her head.

"Ye-s, Moonbyul-ssi."


"Wanna go on a date with me?" I asked and tilted my head, leaning against the wall and she nodded her head shyly.

"Lets go." I said and took her by the hand, going to the café.

The girls were still crowding and i shood them all away, since this was a date after all.

After the date, i walked back to the dorm, i felt nothing to be honest, i just felt likei was finally having some fun, that's all, they are all just useless to me anyways.

The only person that makes me feel again is Yongsun, but now, I don't think so.

It was already 8.

I wonder if Yongsun is in there now..

I twisted the doorknob and entered the dorm.

I saw her.

She looked sad?

Had she been crying? Why are her eyes so puffy? What happened?

I felt my heart aching at that sight.

She looked so lonely.

I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her and she flinched slightly wheni did so.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I gently took my hands off her, but she took me by surprise.

"Hug me." She said and i smiled, feeling warm inside, i did so, and now, i think my heart was beating again, all thanks to her.

I sat next to her, looking at her eat, she looks happy, knowing that she was, and i think it was because of me gave me a sense of hope, i could feel my heart burning now, the desire to get her to become mine was so great.

I touched her hand, and took the chopsticks that she held down onto the food.

She looked so cute when she was confused, it always make me chuckle and scream inside me at how cute she could actually be.

"Yongsun ah.." i said, i got to make the move, if i want her to be mine.

"W-hat are yo-u doing?"  She stuttered and i chuckled at the cute sight that was before my eyes, her face was tomato-red and she looked like she was nervous, i wondered if she was ever this nervous around Eric.

"Moon..we can't." She said, she knew what i was thinking.

Shoot, my plan is ruined, i forgot that we could read each other's mind.

"B-ut..don't you love me?"

"I-i.." i knew it. This was all fake wasn't in, it was just me hoping and this will never happen, why am i even so dumb to think she will fall for a person like me.

"It's okay, i know that you don't now." I replied and stood up, going to my bed, the feeling of just giving up everything came back.

I felt hurt, I've never been so hurt in my entire life, why can't you just love me back, my Yongsun?

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