Chap 13- What's Going To happen Next?

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Moonbyul's POV

"Come babe, let's go and buy dinner now." I said to the sleeping Yongsun, she pushed me away and i chuckled, sighing while doing so.

I went to her and pulled her by the arm, she started throwing temper.

I rolled my eyes and decided to do something that would obviously wake her up.

I went on top of her, and placed my hands inside her shirt.

"Yongdonnie, wake up." I said and she shook her head.

"5 more minutes.." i sighed and beought m hnad up to her bosoms, squeezing it.

Her high pitched voice filled the room and i chuckled, turning to the other side of the bed.

This time, she should be awake.

"Moonbyulyi, what was that for?" She asked, touching her bosoms and i laughed.

"Cause you didn't want to take up, so i just swueeze it." I said and shut my eyes.

Gosh, I'm so tired, but I'm also so hungry.

I ssked her to faster change and we went out, she was still grumpy, but at least, less grumpy then she was.

We were still walking when a drunk Eric came towards us.

Urhh..why must he appear again.

"Yongsun, i love you, please come back to me." He suddenly held her shoulders, pushing me slightly.

I frowned and pushed him roughly away from her.

"You stay away from Yongsun, i never ever want to see you ever again!" I screamed in his face, and he smirked.

"Just cause you say doesn't mean that i have to listen, i can easily do anything to Yongsun without your permission anyways."he said and i felt like killing him now.

In the end, i just gave him a punch on the face and he was already on the ground.

Tsks, weak and pathetic.

"Come on Solar." I said and pulled her hand, we walked to the convenience store and bought some packet foods, before heading back.

When we did so, we ate our dinner, and Yongsun's phone suddenly beap.

She was frowning now, placing the chopsticks back at its original place.

This isn't like her one bit. I thought.

"BBe, what's wrong?" I asked, going to her side and hugging her from behind.

"M-oonbyul ah..m-y parents."

"What is it?" I asked, happiness was now replaced with concerns.

She took in a breath.

"Babe, promise you won't overreact by what i am going to say." She said and i gave her my word.

"Moonbyul ah..actually.." she said and turned to face me.

"I-i am a orphan.."


"Y-ou were an orphan?"

She nodded her head, biting her lips.

So all these while, she had no family members, and she didn't tell me.

I felt so hurt on the inside.

"And?" I asked, she looked down.

"My parents..t-they.." she started breaking down, hugging me while doing so.

"I'm so sorry Moonbyul ah." She said, and i caressed her cheeks, wiping the tears away from her face.

I took in a breath, it was very shaky, just looking at her like that makes my heart tear into a million pieces.

I took the courage to ask, even though i knew that it was something really bad, if not she wouldn't overreat until like that.

"What is it?"

"I-i.." she said and combed her hair with her fingers, this only happens when she is stressed out over something.

"Tell me."

She sighed.

"My parenst tracked me down, and now.."

Oh gosh, what is it now?

"Just tell me, Kim Yongsun."

"I-i have to get married with Eric!" Her voice was shaky as she started ti cry again.

I was so shocked and taken aback by the news.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks, without me knowing.

She faced me again and wiped my tears away.

"Nonono, please don't cry." She said in a shaky tone and i continued to.

"S-o this means..we can't be soulmates, is that it?" I asked, my voice was raised a little due to how i felt now.

I felt like shouting and letting it all out.

"I-m sorry, my moon, we can't b-e together anymore." She said and i shook my head.

"No, this can't be happening, this isn't right! This just isn't!" I said and banged the table, she jumped up a little and i banged my head on the table.

"No, Moonbyul please don't!" She said, still crying before hugging me from behind, knowing that that would help.

I took her by the hand and faced her.

Now i knew by what he meant, that asshole should just die.

I hate myself so much.

I let out a defeated sigh.

Then suddenly, i could feel my phone beep from my pocket.

I took it out and it was from my mom and dad.

They said that i had to be present for somethings.

I wonder what it was, anyways, i had no mood for it, not now, why now?

I sighed again, i stopped crying, but now, my eyes were puffy, i looked over at Solar, who was already sleeping, i think she was too exhaused by all that crying and all, thats why.

Is this ever going to be the last time I'm seeing her then?

Why must fate be so cruel to me? What did i do wrong? Do i even deserve all these?

I sighed and carried her to the bed, before plopping her down onto it.

I crawled up next to her, taking in all her featured for the last time.

"Hopefully, we can solve all these." I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"And don't you worry, my sun, i will solve it." I whispered, and pulled her into my embrace, hugging her as tight as i ever did, not wanting to ever let her go, knowing all these stuff was too much for me to handle all in just one day.

What's going to happen next?

Here's this chap, i told u guys tat there was gg to be more drama in this chap,, i actually wanted it to be similar with my other bk, but in the end, i think that I shldnt and made this one instead, it's kinda rushed, but ya, i hope u guys liked this chap and i shld be prob be sleeping now, so bye! 😴😴

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