Blame It On The Sun.

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Javi Martinez FanFic 

- Features Bayern Munich and Real Madrid players.

Chapter 1

Lou’s Point Of View

So here goes I am finally in Munich! Stay calm Lou, no need to panic! Oh who am I kidding? I am 22 and on my own in a foreign country! Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea, I am here now though and it’s going to be what’s best for me. I walked out the airport and hopped straight into a taxi. It’s going to take a while to arrive at my apartment so let me introduce myself! I am Louise Ellen Taylor, Lou for short. I am 23 years old, from Cambridge, England. I am pretty average to be perfectly honest. I have a short brown bob, and boring brown eyes. The only thing I really like are my three tattoos.

The car finally came to a stop and I looked out the window to see that I was here at my new home. I am perhaps a little too excited I jumped out the taxi pulling out my luggage from the boot. I paid the taxi man and started to head towards my building. As I was nearing the door I realized how stupid I am going to look walking into a building with sunglasses on so I quickly pulled them off and started to put them away in my bag. As I was doing so I started to push the door open, much to my surprise it only opened a little and I overheard someone shouting in pain? I looked up to realize that I had hit a – very handsome but angry looking- guy with the door and he had spilt his cup of coffee down his bright white shirt.

“You stupid woman!” he exclaimed at me still looking down. Oh dear! He saw me I was hoping that perhaps I could have made a run for it and he would never have known it was me. Everyone in this building are going to hate me! I looked around to see if anyone was around to decide if I could run for it and luckily nobody was! Do I run or stay? I turned back to look at the guy who was still looking down at his shirt, so me being well, me grabbed my suitcases and runs for the elevator. It dings and I get in. whoop! Don’t think he saw me properly. I let out a sigh of relief and pressed the button for my floor.

The elevator dinged to notify me we were at my floor and I walked out and headed for my door. When I turned around I saw the same guy from reception about to go into the apartment next to me. He’s my neighbour?! Damn! He looked up and saw me looking so I looked down and focused on opening my door. Just as I was about to unlock it I heard someone cough to get my attention. I froze hoping he would leave but he coughed again so I turned to see my neighbour standing there. I smiled innocently and he started talking. “You know normally when you spill coffee on someone you say sorry and offer to buy them a new one” he finished smirking at me. BUSTED!! I looked back up at him to see that he was waiting for a reply. “Ok first of all, hi my name is Lou! I guess I am your new neighbour!” I started and he was still smirking at me waiting for me to carry on. I took a deep breath and continued. “I am sorry for hitting you with the door and spilling your coffee down you. Would you like money for another one?” I finished giving him the fakest of all smiles. I was saved when his phone started ringing and he was looking to see who it was. This is my chance I quickly unlocked my door and before he could say anything I grabbed my cases ran into my apartment and closed the door. I let out yet another sigh of relief and sat down on my very comfy couch. I will be unpacking later I guess.

I was suddenly thrown out of my sleep by a loud banging on my front door. Who is that? I don’t know anyone here! And why so loud? I got up and trudged towards the door. I opened the door and immediately wished I hadn’t, “So about that coffee? Instead of you just paying why don’t you accompany me? Oh and I’m Javi, you neighbour!” This guy is way too happy. I sighed he woke me up for a coffee?! “Well hi Javi! I need to start unpacking so thanks, but no thanks” I finished giving him another fake smile I was about to turn away and close the door in his face when he stopped me again. “Look I’m sorry but I think we have started off badly. Hi I am Javi, Javi Martinez, I am your neighbour! Would you like any help with your unpacking?” he started again. If there is something you should know about me it’s that I trust people way too much, and I could do with the help…so I agreed.

We had both been unpacking for an hour and we were nearly done! I have learnt a lot about Javi. For example, he has no tattoos and his reason was? And I quote ‘I don’t really understand them’. He’s a Spanish footballer and moved to play for Bayern Munich from Bilbao. Again having to question his thinking why would you move from sunny Spain?! Does this need explaining further it’s sunny there! In fact my cousin lives in Madrid hes a footballer too but I am not mentioning that!  I have also realized that he is extremely tall! He is cheeky perhaps too cheeky! Hmm. As I was thinking this I didn’t realize that he had come back in the room. He burst out laughing at me because I sat on my bed just staring at the floor. I looked up at him and glared, he soon shut up. “Hey Lou? I’m going to go and feed Max I can trust you to do the rest of your unpacking right?” he spoke the last bit like I was a kid! I am the same age as him! The cheek! Wait who is max? “Max is my dog” he replied did I say that last bit out loud? Oh dear, I smiled and nodded and walked him to the door… just to make sure he had gone!

I had just finished all of my unpacking when I looked at my phone to see that my mum had replied to my message saying that she’s happy I got here ok. I also had another text which said:

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Hi! Just thought I would text you to see if you had finished packing I know how slow you are! In fact I bet you are asleep! Oh and I saved my number and stole yours we are neighbours! We may need to text each other in case of an emergency! J

J xx

That little rat! Im sure if it was an emergency I wouldn’t text! Perhaps a call! Not only did he steal my number and went on my phone he saved his number under that name?! I replied with

To: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Hi Javi! Pfft! Im shocked by your opinion of me, I finished ages ago! And asleep? I am not a sloth! You could have just asked me for my number! And what’s with the name? didn’t your mum tell you that you shouldn’t lie? haha

L xx

I chuckled to myself as I went into the kitchen to make some dinner. I got to the cupboards and then it hit me! I hadn’t been shopping, I have no food and all the shops will be closed now! I HAVE NO FOOD! How can I forget that! I am gonna starve to death! Oh wait I know.

To: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!


L xx

I sat back and waited, three minutes later I heard a loud thump on my door I ran over and saw Javi standing there looking alarmed, with his short ,wet, brown hair messy on the top of his head, which made me chuckle. “Something funny?” he asked now looking annoyed. I bit my lip and shook my head moving aside to let him in. He put the food down on the side and sat himself down on my settee. “So Javi… tell me, why is your hair wet?” I asked trying to figure out what I could make with the food he brought over, which was cookies and some kind of dip? What kind of food is this? “Well you see I was in the shower when I got your text, I got dressed, grabbed the first food I saw and ran here! I thought you said it was an emergency!” he sighed. Pfft ran here! He only lives next door! I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. “It is an emergency! I forgot to buy food I will starve, but by the looks of things I will anyways! Because you brought cookies and a Salsa dip?” I replied actually shocked that these were the first things he grabbed. “Be ready by 8 exactly we are going out for dinner my treat! Nowhere too posh though!” he answered getting up and walking out the door. Well I guess that was decided!

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