Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Javi’s Point Of View

When Lou went to get changed I sat thinking about the explanations she gave about her tattoos, before now I thought that you couldn’t really have a deep meaning to a tattoo, I guess she changed my opinion. I was snapped out of trance when my phone started going off, I looked at the caller ID and rolled my eyes; Becca. I answered it prepared for what she was gonna say…

(B-Becca, J-Javi)

B: “Hey baby. Everything ok? You haven’t called me back from this morning. I miss you” she whined down the phone.

J: “Hi. Everything is fine! I have been busy” I replied in a monotone.

B: “when am I going to see you again?”

J: “you saw me yesterday and I don’t know I am busy at the minute”

B: “Busy doing what kicking a ball around? Please I am more important than a ball!”

J: “I didn’t have training today, I have been busy helping my new neighbour! And you don’t mind me kicking a ball around when I am earning money to spend on you, do you?”

B: “Is that all you think I am after? Your money? Please I have enough of my own! I love you and I haven’t seen you in so long! But no you just ditch me for your new neighbour! All this relationship is me trying!” beep.

She hung up on me? I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. Lou’s phone went off, it was her Mum. While she was talking to her Lou turned her back to me and my eyes wondered over her outfit. She had got changed into her pajamas. I don’t know why but Lou was different to most of the girls I know. She is so different to Becca. Lou is happy in her jeans and converse with a football shirt. Hmm I should buy her a Bayern Munich one with my name and bring her to a game! Good plan Javi! I was pulled out of my trance when Lou said her Mum wanted to talk to me. Oh no what have I done now?! I nodded and she put the phone on loud speaker.

After talking to Lou’s mum for a few minutes I managed to find out two main things. First of all my nickname for her will now be ‘Bear’. Second of all, She has been hurt? I am kinda curious about this, who would want to hurt her? I am guessing it’s not physically because she doesn’t have any scars that I can see and she looks healthy enough. So it leaves one thing it must have been emotionally! She mentioned her family and how she gets on with them all so it can’t be them. I know! Perhaps it was an old boyfriend. Wow I am a great detective!

Lou’s Point of View.

Why did my Mum have to mention about me being hurt? To Javi of all people, don’t get me wrong he seems a nice guy and we get on really well but I have only known him for a day. We lay back down on the couch in quiet for a little when all of a sudden he sat up tipping me off the settee and making me face plant the floor, which was great, not. He burst out laughing and I was still on the floor. I shall get revenge for him laughing. “Javi?” I asked in a quiet hurt tone. He stopped laughing and answered with a yes. “Could you help me up my wrist really hurts! I can’t move it!” I was still using the same tone. He suddenly rushed to me picking me up, ok I wasn’t expecting that! If he’s nice to me I may make this hurt wrist last longer hahaha! He sat me back on the couch. “Oh my gosh Bear. I am so sorry if I knew you were going to hurt your wrist I wouldn’t have laughed and I didn’t think that me sitting up so fast would tip you off the couch! I am really sorry! Forgive me?” he said that in all one breath and added his puppy dog eyes on the last part. How could I not I mean he has killer puppy dog eyes! I nodded “you are forgiven on one condition!” I stated. He signaled for me to carry on, so I did. “On the condition that you help me around the flat because I don’t want to turn up to work tomorrow with a dodgy wrist” now I pulled my puppy dog eyes. “Yes of course in fact I will stay here tonight incase you need anything! I will go and fetch Max he can stay here right?” I nodded. Here goes plan make Javi my slave for the night! Cue evil laugh. He went to get Max whilst I sat on the couch.

He came back and let max free, his was honestly the cutes dog ever! He was a golden Labrador. “He is so well behaved” I said as I went to pet him where he had settled down in the corner of my room. “I know I am but you don’t have to say it!” Javi said and I raised one of my eyebrows at him. “Right you were on about the dog…” he trailed off looking away. I burst out laughing and Javi soon joined me. I walked back over and sat next to him on the couch.

Javi’s Point Of View.

Ok wish me luck guys I am going to ask her. I hope she doesn’t flip out and throws things at me! I cleared my throat and started. “Bear?” I asked in a quite curios tone. She looked up from playing a game on her phone I took this as a signal for me to continue. “I know we haven’t known each other for that long but I see you as a close friend now and there is something I wanted to ask you about and feel free to tell me to shut up if you don’t wanna talk about it…” I trailed off and she hinted for me to carry on. I took a deep breath and continued “Ok so when we was on the phone with your Mum she mentioned you getting hurt. Bear, what did she mean?” I finished looking straight into her lovely brown eyes that had a hint of shock and sadness in them. “hmm you heard that then” she whispered more to herself than me. She looked up and gave me a half smile. “ok well I had a boyfriend that I had been with for five years and well to cut a long story short he cheated on me when I told him I was moving out here and his excuse? It was that I was leaving him anyways and he didn’t want to waste his time” she finished with a single tear falling down her cheek I wiped it away with my thumb.

It has been a whole hour since Bear told me about her ex and I still can’t get my head around the fact that anyone would hurt her on purpose. She is amazing as she doesn’t deserve it. After telling me about her I turned her round so she lay against my chest and cuddled her. I have a girlfriend I know that but I am just comforting a friend. A very beautiful, kind, selfless friend. But a friend nonetheless. We lay there for a bit then she started talking about travelling. She has been to many different places with her cousin and his girlfriend apparently he’s rich and travels a lot with his job so he see’s nice places then when he gets time off he takes Bear and his girlfriend, Synn with him. He seems like an amazing cousin. 

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