Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

Lou’s Point Of View

I noticed that Javi had sat by the bar by himself I was just about to go and see if he was ok when three men stood in front of me! Oh hang on I know these! “Hi I am Philipp, this is Basti and Toni” he said in a friendly tone gesturing to the other two who of course I knew! Does he think I live under a rock? “Nice to meet you I am-“ I started but was cut off, what is it with this team and cutting people off when they are talking? “You are Bear! Sorry I mean Lou?” Toni said although it seemed more like a question. I smiled, “yes I am, how’d you know that?” Basti nudged Philipp to make him continue. “urm well, urm, we know Javi and you are his girlfriend… which makes you one of our friends. Oh and Lana told us about you! Anyways how are you?” he stuttered out. He seemed nervous like he was making up an excuse? “Oh I am not his girlfriend and I am fine thank you.” I smiled shyly looking down towards the floor. “Ah good. Our mistake excuse us a minute please? We will talk later” Basti excused them and with that they went over and sat with Javi.

I went and sat with Lana again who is practically my best friend (apart from Javi of course). I felt my phone go off and I took it out to look at it…

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Hey! You having a good time? Please come and save me from these three, I want to go home! I saved you from work… *Puppy dog eyes* :P

 <3  Javi xx

I smiled and shook my head at him, I said goodbye to Lana and went over to Javi. I overheard Toni saying “She is a very nice girl, we approve but if you don’t act quick someone else will ask her out” the three of them were nodding at Javi and Toni finished by saying “I might!” Philipp, Basti and Javi all looked at him and he turned his gaze away from them and he saw me. I gave him a half smile, due to the fact that I am annoyed that they were talking about this mystery girl Javi has got his eye on. “Lou! Are you okay?” Philipp asked clearly trying to stop Javi glaring at Toni. It obviously worked because I now had four pairs of eyes on me. “well since you asked me five minutes ago I have gained a cold” I replied sarcastically but with a cheery smile to let him know I was joking. Javi, Toni and Basti burst out laughing. “Dude she is daring! She is right though!” Basti managed to say in between laughs. I turned to Javi who was still chuckling to himself. “You ready to go?” I asked him and he nodded. I swear I heard Philipp mutter to himself “I was only trying to get rid of the tension, is that so bad”. I turned to him and laughed “You said that a little loud Philipp and talking to yourself really? Didn’t think you were the type” I winked and followed Javi chuckling to myself. Due to the look of shock on Philipp’s face.   We said goodbye to everyone and left, when I was just getting into the car I heard Philipp shout to me, I turned to see him and he said “I think we are going to be good friend’s Lou” with that he turned and went back inside.

Javi’s Point Of View

The ride back to our apartments was quiet apart from the radio. I can’t believe how much the guys like her. Lana has me under strict instructions that I have to bring her to every home game. The guys have got into their head that she likes me back though. There is only one way to tell. I have to ask her. We went into the elevator and arrived on our floor in no time. I followed her out said goodnight and went to mine.

I sat at mine and all I could think about was if she liked me. I have come up with loads of scenarios what could happen and I just want to know now in case I’m just over thinking things.

To: BearTheMostAmazingGirlEver!

You still up? Can we talk please? If you are not and you get this in the morning then don’t worry about it.

Javi <3 xx

I sat back and waited for a reply which could take a while because knowing her she will be asleep. In no time at all my phone lit up saying I had a message.

From BearTheMostAmazingGirlEver!

Aww Javi! You haven’t had enough of me today? What did you do before I arrived?! I’m kidding of course! You have a key! You don’t have to ask! Come on in! I am making hot chocolates! ;)

Bear xx

I guess I didn’t need telling twice I jumped up grabbed my keys (along with hers) and headed straight over there. I let myself in and walked into the kitchen and sat down. She placed a mug in front of me and signalled for me to speak. “So I hope you enjoyed your day! And I am sorry that I kept getting interrupted” I was on a role now there was no stopping me. “So as I was saying in the car, this girl is special to me, I have never felt like this before. I have fallen in love with-“ Argh what is that noise! The Spongebob theme song rang out from Bear’s phone. She looked down at it and frowned she excused herself and took the call. She was gone for 10 minutes, 10 whole minutes! I was definitely in panic mode! When she came back she looked upset, annoyed and happy all in one. So close! I guess I wasn’t going to tell her tonight then!

“What’s up Bear?” I asked her walking over to give her a hug. “I am leaving” she whispered. Leaving? Where? When? Why? Deep breaths Javi! One question at a time! “Leaving? Where? When? Why?” ok that didn’t work. She pulled her head out from laying on my chest because of the height difference. “Munich, in two days, my job has been transferred to Madrid” she answered with no effort. What no? That’s in Spain! I am in Germany two different countries! Well done for pointing out the obvious Javi! In two days?! I have a game in two days!

Lou’s Point Of View

I have been here for one week! One week that is nothing! I have made new friends! I have fallen in love with someone, wow I guess I kinda fall fast! Now I am moving to Madrid! I should be happy I will get to see my cousin a lot more, I will be living with him, but I won’t see Javi. “I haven’t got to go to the office anymore so if you want I can spend the next two days with you?” I smiled a sad smile. He nodded. “Let’s get some sleep so we can be up in the morning” he suggested and I nodded. “Could you stay here with me tonight please?” I suggested and he nodded. After talking to Javi a little more about the details of me moving, I finished my hot chocolate and went to bed. I told Javi we could share it and he agreed. I couldn’t be happier that I get to spend the next two days with Javi but then I remember I am leaving for Madrid and it’s horrible. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Javi pulled me close for a cuddle. 

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