Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Soon enough I was getting off the plane in Sunny Madrid. I got my luggage and headed to the gate where I was going to meet Synn and Mesut. Sure enough as I walked through Mesut stood there with a sign saying, ‘Louise’ I smiled. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was so upset about leaving everyone in Munich I probably would have laughed so much at his sense of humor. Synn rushed up to me and squeezing me in a hug; which then made me think of the hug I had with Javi in the car park. I burst out in tears much to the confusion of Mes and Synn, though I am very thankful that they didn’t ask. Mes took my bags as we walked to the car. I took my phone out to text everyone that I got her safe. I had saved Basti and Philipp’s numbers so I wrote:

To: Philipp, Basti & LanaTheBestGirlInTheWorld

Heey guys! I am here! Although we had a plane crash ;) just kidding I am fine! It’s a little hot here though! Wish I was back in Munich! Miss you so much! Talk soon xxx

I put my phone in my pocket as I got in the back of the car, as I sat down I realized how long the journey to Mes’ would be so I pulled my phone back out deciding to text Javi back.

To: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Javi! Damn you! Why didn’t you tell me? I hate you right now! Joking!! I could never hate you :) Javi I need to tell you something… I love you too. I am not joking either. As soon as I get a holiday I am coming back to Munich! To see you. Don’t forget to skype me! I miss you so much already! <3

Bear xxxx

With that I threw my phone back in my bag. Noticing the looks I was getting from Mes and Synn I decided to update them about my life. After the long explanation to them I let out a breath. “Lou I am so sorry, you must have really liked that guy if you need us you know where we are” Synn said hugging me in the back of the car. I nodded, then Mes started talking, “you know what Lou? You will still be able to see ‘the three amigos’ as you called them I play in the national team with them. As for Javi anytime he wants to stay with us he can!” he finished. “Mes, I kinda didn’t tell them I was related to you, I mean I told them about you but not the part of you being well you…” I trailed off and he laughed. “Well then it will be a good surprise for them!” he exclaimed. I giggled as he pulled the car onto his driveway. “I will get your bags you go on in” he said I got the key he gave me out.

I walked into the room and jumped for my life! Everyone was here and shouted “surprise!” By everyone I meant the Madrid players, Iker, Cristiano, Sami, Sergio, Kaká and Fabio were to name a few, all of these have been like brothers to me. There were a few new faces I didn’t recognize but no doubt Mes will introduce me to them later. I ran to the guys and gave them hugs. “Thanks for the help guys! Lou what have you brought with you an elephant?” Mes said as he walked in everyone burst out laughing. Just as I was about to hug Sergio he pulled away. I gave him a confused look. “Ew! You guys just hugged a traitor!” he exclaimed pointing at me. I thought about it for a minute then realized I was still wearing my ‘Martinez’ Munich shirt. “Let’s not talk about it!” I spoke quietly. I looked up to see Synn with a sympathetic look on her face. This was all doing my head in, I grabbed my bags and took them into my room. As I reached the top step I felt a tear fall. I carried on straight into my room and flung myself on my bed face first. I laid there for a bit when I heard my phone go off. I looked at the caller ID and it said it was Philipp.

(P- Philipp, L-Lou)

L- “Hey Philipp.”

P-“Lou! You are in trouble!”

L- “What why?”

P- “You never told me your cousin, the one you are staying with is Mesut!”

L- “You never asked. How did you find out?”

P- “Whatever, he text me asking me what Javi is like.”

L- “ahh the overprotective cousin”

P- “We all care about you Lou!

L- “oh congrats on winning the game!”

P- “Thanks none of us could concentrate though after you went!”

L- “oh look Philipp someone is calling me I have to go, say I said hi to everyone bye”

And with that I hung up. I slumped back down on my bed and see two figures coming into my room, it was Fabio and Sergio who I get on best with and they are like my brothers. “Was that him?” Sergio asked softly. I sighed, he wasn’t to know why did I get moody with him? “Was that who?” I asked trying to avoid the subject. He sighed and this time Fabio spoke, “was it Javi? Lou we are sorry we didn’t know”. I don’t know why but I was always closest with Fabio. “No it was Philipp and its ok” I smiled. He nodded showing that he understood. “Lou bear, we want you to know that we are here for you anytime” Sergio said. I nodded unable to talk, I forgot that he called me ‘Lou bear’. This may take a while to get over…


I have been in Madrid for 2 months I have spoken to Javi, Toni and Lana daily via texts, Philipp and Basti text me every two days as they… and I quote ‘don’t want me to find them boring and annoying’. Whereas I don’t think Toni cares and to be honest I don’t mind. I haven’t done much I go to work come home and eat and sleep. Synn and Mes have gone on holiday so Fabio and Sergio keep popping in to say hello. Speak of the devils! “hey guys!” I said happy, today I feel a little happier last night I was talking to Toni and I have decided I need to get on with my life, if me and Javi are meant to be then it will happen. “What is this?” Sergio asked warily. “Is this our little Lou bear back?” Fabio added in a teasing tone. I pouted but nodded anyways. They cheered. “Have you guys got training today?” I asked them, they both nodded. “Do you think I could come and watch?” I asked hoping they would agree. They looked at each other with shock. “ok guys I know I haven’t been out much but you two are going over the top with these looks” I sighed. Sergio agreed that I could join them and I ran upstairs to get changed. I came back down and we headed to the car.

I was singing along to the radio when all of a sudden it went quiet. The worst part was that I carried on singing. Fabio and Sergio both burst out laughing. Well! We shall see how this goes. I sat back in the car arms crossed waiting… when they finished they both apologized and I was still waiting one of them will do it, I know they will…. “Fine! Lou bear, we are so sorry, after training we will take you shopping then buy you ice cream. Happy?” Fabio sighed being the first to give in. I gave a big smile and nodded. Sergio parked the car and I ran out of the car heading for the door. I was just about to reach for the handle when somebody pushed the door open and it hit me. I fell to the floor then it went black.


ss=Ms%ml�qa 0�[ =’mso-bidi-font-weight:normal’>Hello its Philipp, I just wanted to say don’t have too much fun in Madrid with me! I hope you liked the celebrations. Keep in touch and text me when you get there safe!

From: unknown number

Lou! Its Basti and Toni! We will miss you! Make sure you keep in contact with us! Talk soon. Have a safe flight xx

As cliché as it sounds my heart skipped when I see who the last text was from although it didn’t help just seeing his name made me cry again.

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Bear I am sorry I didn’t tell you before and I know that it probably wasn’t the right time to do it today but I had to tell you and I couldn’t do it over the phone. Truth is, ever since you made me spill that damn coffee on my lucky shirt, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I love you Bear, let me know when you get to Madrid.

J xxx

I was just about to reply when an announcement was made saying that my flight was now boarding I put my phone in my handbag and walked onto the plane sunglasses still intact.


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