Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Sergio’s Point Of View

I can’t believe this has happened, the one day she finally gets back to herself (I still don’t know what changed her over night) she ends up getting knocked out by a door. She is now in hospital she has been unconscious for two whole days, the lads and I have visited her daily, we told Mes and Synn to stay on holiday and we refused to let them come back. She will be ok she is a fighter; she is a lot tougher than half of us.

 I was now sat in the chair by her hospital bed, talking to Raphael, who hasn’t properly met her yet but he has visited her everyday because he is the reason she is here, it was obviously an accident. “Has anyone phoned the people she knows from Germany?” Raphael asked me. I thought for a bit and answered, “I haven’t and I don’t think the others have”. He nodded and we sat watching the TV. “This weekend FC Bayern Munich picked up the Bundesliga trophy” the woman reporter announced. “They won? Javi won? How long have I been here?” a soft croaky voice asked.

Lou’s Point Of View

“This weekend Fc Bayern Munich picked up the Bundesliga trophy” a woman’s voice reported. “They won? Javi won? How long have I been here?” I asked with my soft croaky voice. Nobody responded until Sergio suddenly turned around and looked at me. The door flung open just as he was about to say something, “I’m here lads has anything changed?” Fabio asked as he walked in and sat himself down in the chair. Sergio had frozen and the other guy who I think was Raphael Varane pointed towards me. Fabio looked up and jumped out of his chair, running out of the room. “I can’t look that bad can I?” I asked to no one in particular. Sergio and Raphael laughed at me and shook their heads. “So you gonna answer me? How long have I been here?” I asked again looking at them. “I kinda knocked you out with a door, two days ago, I am sorry about that” Raphael spoke up. “It’s ok! Me and doors have history ask anyone especially Javi!” I smiled.

Fabio came rushing back in with a doctor and just pointed at me. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you pointing is rude Fabio?” I shot at him. He looked shocked as well as the doctor, whereas Sergio sat smirking. “You remember everything? Everyone? You feeling ok?” the doctor asked and I nodded and said I was fine.

The next day I was let out of the hospital. “Finally I am free!” I exclaimed as Fabio came to pick me up from the hospital, he laughed at me and told me to get in the car. We drove back to Mes’ place and we went to the door and I backed off telling Fabio to unlock it he looked unsure but did it anyway. Perhaps this is a good time to say that I heard Sergio on the phone this morning when he visited me telling someone the plan about how to cover me in silly string the moment I step through the door. As Fabio walked in everyone shouted ‘welcome home’ and sprayed their string, covering Fabio. I burst out laughing at his un-amused expression. “I happen to overhear Sergio setting this up this morning” I explained and winked at him as I walked past him. I looked up to see five familiar faces and I froze in my tracks.


“Hey guys! It’s so good to see you!” I was met with four extremely shocked faces. I hugged each of them and their expressions didn’t change. “Philipp when do you think they will come back to planet earth?” I whispered to him which made him laugh. They snapped out of the shock and looked at me. “So hey! I am Lou, you may also know me as Bear and I guess I forgot to tell you I am Mesut Özil’s cousin” I smiled innocently as we all sat down on one of the sofas. Toni was the first to talk. “We thought he had gone mad! We got a phone call from Philipp saying we all had to fly to Madrid because Mesut’s cousin was getting out of the hospital today…”Basti continued “We didn’t know it was you! Otherwise we would have come earlier” he concluded. I just smiled and looked at Lana she was pretty quiet. “You are his cousin? And you didn’t tell me!” she exclaimed coming over to give me another hug. “I think we should let Javi and Lou talk, let’s go get a drink” Philipp suggested they all agreed got up and left us.

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