Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Javi’s point of view

Once again my phone went off signaling a new day; unfortunately it’s the day that I am dreading. Bear leaves today. She must be in the shower because the bed is empty again. I quickly had a shower at mine and went back to hers with my bag ready to leave for the game in an hour. As I sat waiting my phone off:

From: Philipp L

Hi just to let you know everything is ready. Hope you are ok! Tell Lou me and the guys said hello.

I replied thanking him and telling him I would. I think it’s amazing how all of the guys have taken to Bear. They are full of compliments for her. She came out of her room in her skinny jeans and a hoodie. Her short brown her was left natural today and I think it suits her the best. For some reason she had huge sunglasses on. “Hi Bear, you ok? Everything packed?” I asked in what was supposed to be a cheery voice, but it betrayed me and my voice cracked. “Hi Javi, I’m fine you? Yep I think so, I don’t need anything from the apartment because I am keeping it” she said in a soft voice, you could tell she was upset and it broke my heart. We sat and ate breakfast in silence, I looked at the time and said we should leave. She nodded and followed me out of her apartment I carried her bags and suitcases and we went to my car.

After another silent car journey to the ground I got out of the car and she got her bags out because she was leaving at half time. It was time to say goodbye but I couldn’t speak, I froze and I had a lump in my throat which wasn’t helping. “Bear, look I don’t know what to say, I have never been any good at saying goodbyes and to be honest I didn’t think I was going to have to say one to you” I paused and looked up at her there were tears in her eyes and looking at her so hurt and knowing I couldn’t do anything about it broke my heart. I pulled her in for a hug and she melted into my arms. “I don’t think you realize how much I am going to miss you” I whispered to her. “I do because I am gonna miss you twice as much, promise me one thing, that you won’t forget me” she stuttered out. The fact that she thought I would forget her made me upset, she doesn’t realize what effect she has had on me. She pulled out of the hug and put her sunglasses back on so you couldn’t see her red puffy eyes. I walked her to the player’s lounge and said goodbye. I didn’t want to leave her but sadly I had to, now it was just time for the plan, let’s hope it works out.

Lou’s Point Of View

When Javi was hugging me in the car park I couldn’t breathe I wanted to give up my dream job for him and just stay here. Any job would have been ok as long as I got to see his face every day. When we got to the player’s lounge I was having my photo taken with a few of the girls when Javi asked for one I agreed and after it was taken he said bye and went to the dressing room. The three amigos as I like to call them (Philipp, Basti and Toni) popped up in front of me with sad smiles on their faces. “I can’t believe you are leaving so soon” Toni said looking down at the floor. “hey don’t worry about me! I will be back in no time I will come and see you play football and if you get Real Madrid in the champion’s league, how about I show you round Madrid? In fact if you go there anytime let me know you can stay with me and my cousin!” I smiled at them although under my sunglasses tears filled my eyes. They agreed and we had a picture taken.

All the players said goodbye one by one and disappeared to the dressing room. I was looking for my phone when Lana called me. Oh Lana how I am going to miss her! We had texted non-stop for the past few days. In no time at all it was kick off, I wanted to enjoy the game but in the back of my mind all I could think of was that I would be leaving just before half time. In the 16th minute Munich was attacking and Javi passed the ball to Mario (Mandzukic) who took it around a defender and shot. It fell into the back of the net and to celebrate the whole team ran over level with our box and revealed their shirts that ‘We’ll miss you Bear!’ that was all it took for the tears I had been –not so greatly- holding in to poor out. I blew a kiss to them all and Lana pulled me in for a big hug.

It was now the 42nd minute Munich was winning 1-0 and I had to leave in two minutes. I stood up getting my bags ready and I looked down on to the pitch just in time to see Javi score. He ran in line with me and picked up a banner that read ‘It’s you Bear, I love you!’ I was so shocked. It was me? He turned and went back to restart the game. Lana voice sounded, “Lou he planned all this for you the t-shirts, the banner it’s all true! I hate to say it but your taxi is here” I nodded, hugged her and with one last look at the pitch I left the stadium.

I arrived at the airport and was waiting for my plane. I was still crying, my phone went off it was a message:

From: LanaTheBestGirlInTheWorld

Hey babe! I thought you may want this I video’d both goal celebrations for you, have a safe flight. Ring me when you get there. love you xx

I smiled and decided to reply later, I still couldn’t get my head around everything. It was me? He loved me? My phone went off again, I looked at it and I had three new texts:

From: unknown number

Hello its Philipp, I just wanted to say don’t have too much fun in Madrid with me! I hope you liked the celebrations. Keep in touch and text me when you get there safe!

From: unknown number

Lou! Its Basti and Toni! We will miss you! Make sure you keep in contact with us! Talk soon. Have a safe flight xx

As cliché as it sounds my heart skipped when I see who the last text was from although it didn’t help just seeing his name made me cry again.

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Bear I am sorry I didn’t tell you before and I know that it probably wasn’t the right time to do it today but I had to tell you and I couldn’t do it over the phone. Truth is, ever since you made me spill that damn coffee on my lucky shirt, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I love you Bear, let me know when you get to Madrid.

J xxx

I was just about to reply when an announcement was made saying that my flight was now boarding I put my phone in my handbag and walked onto the plane sunglasses still intact.

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