Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

Javi’s Point of View

I was woken up by the annoying sound of his alarm. I groaned and turned over to turn it off. I looked at the time on my phone and I had multiple missed calls from Becca, probably to do with the fact I broke up with her last night and a message. I ignored all of the calls and looked at the message.

From: BearTheMostAmazingGirlEver!

Hey sleepyhead! Breakfast is at mine! Feel free to join me! I am lonely and may have cooked a little too much! :/ love you!

Bear xxx

With that I jumped out of bed, got dressed and went straight to Bear’s. My parents had taken Max on holiday with them so I didn’t have to feed him. I let myself in with the key she gave me- and told me to keep in case of an emergency I am not a person who collects keys- I have also gave her one of mine as well. Which I may find myself regretting later but ah well she’s a friend.

I walked into the kitchen to see two things I was not expecting! First there was so much food wow Bear can really cook! Second she stood there in her pajamas dancing and singing to One Direction? Oh dear! She turned around and screamed dropping the pot of coffee on the floor. “You scared me!” she exclaimed leaning on the counter. “What is it with us two and spilt coffee?” she asked bending down to pick up the pot and started wiping up the coffee. “I am sorry I scared you I didn’t mean to I was just watching you dance and sing it was rather amusing” I answered with a grin on my face. She stood up and walked to the cupboard and before I knew it she had come back and hit me on the head with a baguette! “I would stop if I were you! It’s game day what if I get injured? You would be to blame!” I explained slowly standing up and starting to back away. “I’m sure I could live with that! How could you get injured anyways, it’s a baguette!” she reasoned but gave up anyways. We sat down and had breakfast and by the time we had finished eating and messing about it was time to leave. I wanted to get there early to introduce her to everyone and make sure she would be ok. I still need to tell her that I broke up with Becca but I suppose that can wait till later tonight!

We were nearly at the ground when Bear turned on the radio and the song ‘When I was your man by Bruno Mars’ came on. We both sat listening to it; it is such a true song. I was pulled out of my thoughts… “Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh… and it haunts me every time I close my eyeeees” Bear burst out singing; it was the worst singing ever! She knew it too for a minute we both looked at each other and burst out laughing. I love the fact that she doesn’t take herself too seriously. We turned the radio off as I pulled into the car park. We sat for a minute trying to compose ourselves but every time we did the other would make them laugh. We got out the car still laughing and headed inside to meet the others. By the time we had reached the door we had calmed down a bit although Bear was complaining that her cheeks were hurting due to laughing too much. I shook my head at her and lead the way.

Lou’s Point Of View

I was slowly but surely getting a little nervous, sure I have met footballers before, my cousin is one! I don’t know why but this just felt different, I am putting it down to the fact that I am not Javi’s family so they can ignore me if they want. Javi could sense that I was worrying because he put his arm on my back guiding me with him. “Why am I nervous?” I gently whispered to Javi. He smirk appeared on his face… oh no what have I done? “Because you love me!” he whispered back. Oh my gosh! He knew? Wait, did I love Javi?! No impossible I have only known him a few days. I couldn’t, could I? Even if I did he has Becca.

I looked up at him because we stopped walking and he was staring deeply into my eyes, “Listen, there is something I need to tell you, last night I meant what I text you, Lou, I broke up-“ he started but was cut off when the door opened and revealed no other than Mario Mandžukić and a tall, thin woman. “Oh sorry we didn’t interrupt anything did we?” Mario started with a genuine smile. Javi shook his head and did his hug/handshake thing men do. When they had finished Javi came back by my side and started to introduce us. “Bear, this is Lana, Mario’s girlfriend and well you know Mario after you were crushing on him last night” he paused and gave me a smirk. I could feel my cheeks getting red with embarrassment; note to self get revenge on Javi! “Oh and guys this is Lou my best friend” he continued and I looked up to see both Mario and Lana with a smile on their faces. Oh thank God she didn’t think I was going to make a move on Mario, not that I would stand a chance compared to her.

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