Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Still Javi’s Point Of View)

I was woke up with the sound of Max barking I went to get up but felt something laying on my chest, I looked down and saw the adorable face of Bear. BEAR! Didn’t she have work today? I grabbed my phone off the table and saw that it was 9 am. I need to be at training in half an hour! Bear started waking up and nearly jumped up when she realized that her pillow, aka me, was moving. “oops sorry I must have fallen asleep on you” she said looking down at the floor with a little blush in her cheeks. “no worries but what time did you have to be at work?” she jumped up and ran into her room. I am taking it that she’s late due to her reaction. I only have twenty minutes till I have to be at training. It takes me that long to drive I quickly text Basti explaining that I will be late due to something I can’t help, obviously I could help oversleeping but we wont tell him that! Bear came running out of her room and grabbed the coffee I had made her she had a mouthful and put it down she chucked me her spare key telling me to lock up and she ran straight out the door. That woman would probably win a 100m sprint at this rate. I washed up the cups after finishing my coffee, and got changed I locked up and headed to training.

(Lou’s Point Of View)

I can’t believe I was late on my first day, in my defense though who starts a new employee on a Friday for just half a day?! I chucked my money at the taxi man, grabbed my stuff got out the car and ran towards the work offices where the taxi had just pulled up. I went to reception and explained that I am new and that I was late due to a reason I couldn’t help. The woman on reception shot me a dirty look and told me to follow her, so I kept quiet and did as I was told. I felt like I was back at school! She marched to an office and told me that this is where I would be doing my work and the rules. I zoned out after she said ‘rule number 3: you can listen to music and use phones but if it affects your work you will be expected not to anymore’. I nodded to whatever she said and she left leaving absolutely no work because today was my ‘introduction’. Why couldn’t they have just given me work and that be it? I sat in my chair silently wishing that I had an office where I wasn’t on my own. After three hours of doing nothing whatsoever, I quickly took my phone out of bag and decided to thank Javi for this morning and to make sure I didn’t get him in trouble at training.

To: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Heey! Just wanted to thank you for this morning! I am guessing you locked up! Sorry if I made you late! I would invite you over for dinner tonight to say thanks but I have no food still :/ Any chance of a reminder for me to go shopping? Thanks again Jav.

Bear xxx

I still need to go food shopping which reminds me where on earth did Javi get that cup of coffee from this morning? Mmm coffee I looked around my office to see a little kettle with coffee and tea! Perfect! I sat back down with my coffee and logged onto my laptop. Whilst I was waiting for it to load my phone went off.

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Bear!! You are alive! :D It’s fine don’t worry about it! And no you locked up! ….. just kidding :P Its ok I already told Basti I was gonna be late. How about I pick you up from work and we go food shopping together? I have good knowledge of food ;).

J xxx

Aww how cute! Wait did I say cute? I meant nice… yes nice. I laughed at his reply for a but then replied looking at the time.

To: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Of course I am alive! Wait why wouldn’t I be? And you were prepared I didn’t think about ringing ahead! I need your brain…. Joking mine is better!! :) and it sounds like a plan! I get off in about half an hour! Wow today has gone fast. Obviously you have good knowledge of food I saw what you ate last night ;) haha!

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