Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Javi’s Point Of View

She is leaving. She has agreed to come to the next game but she will have to leave at half time to make sure she doesn’t miss her flight. I can’t ask her to stay because this is her dream job. Then I had an idea, I grabbed my phone and typed away.

To Philipp L

Hi so sorry if I woke you up! Our plan isn’t going to work, she is leaving for Madrid in two days! She has been offered her dream job and I can’t stop her. Is there any way I can get out of the game? If not I have a plan but I will need your help!

I sat waiting for a reply when I felt a tear fall on my arm that was wrapped around Bear. I pulled her in closer and she fell asleep just like that. “You know Bear? I never thought it would be like this, the fourth time of trying…I will succeed, the new girl, it’s you Bear I am in love with you!” I whispered, just as I finished that my phone went off.

From Philipp L

No worries. I was up anyways! And oh no I am sorry! I know how much you like her, saying that do not give up! You won’t be able to get out the game! But as for the plan I will definitely help! Count Toni and Basti in as well!

Ok so that’s it. My plan it is and I will tell her before she goes. With that I rolled over and cuddled up to Bear who was still asleep in my arms.

I was woken up in the morning by my phone alarm going off, I quickly turned it off and got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and was about to get in the shower until I heard a scream. Oh crap! I am at Bears and I have just walked in on her in the shower! I quickly left closing the door behind me. A few minutes later she came out wrapped in a towel glaring at me. “um sorry about that I thought I was at mine! I am just going to go I have training but I will be back at 12 so be ready to go out I have something planned” I smiled grabbed my things and left.

I arrived at training and couldn’t focus one bit everyone was annoying me but Philipp had to keep telling me to calm down. I shouldn’t take it out on them I know. When we finished up I rushed and had a shower got changed and text Bear to let her know I was leaving in about 10 minutes. I looked up to be met with the faces of everyone on the team. I raised an eyebrow at them. Toni spoke up “Philipp told us about Lou leaving, all of us are gonna help with your plan, we are here for you dude”. I nodded and continued to tell them my plan. After I had finished explaining I was running late so I quickly ran to the car and made it home just as Bear was coming out the building.

Lou’s Point Of View

I walked out of the building just as Javi pulled up in his car. “Great timing there Javi” I complimented him as I jumped in the car. I gave him a hug and put my seat belt on. His car smells so nice! Why haven’t I realized this before? I may steal a couple of his shirts/jumpers when I go… “Why thank you kind lady!” he answered and I gave his a cheesy smile back. After driving for a bit he pulled up outside a tattoo shop. He climbed out the car and grabbed my hand dragging me in the shop behind him. He then explained to me that we are going to get matching tattoos of my choice so it doesn’t matter where we live we will always remember each other. I didn’t want to choose anything too girly so I chose to have the infinity symbol tattooed on the inside of our index finger.  I had another tattoo done; I had ‘Carpe Diem   written on my left rib. It was Javi’s choice and I loved it.

After having the tattoos done we wanted lunch but I insisted on going home and letting me cook because I have food to use and I wanted to thank him for being such a great friend. He ate the lasagna I made in record timing. “Bear? I bought you something! I will understand if you don’t like it…” he handed me a little black box. I opened it to be met with a gorgeous locket that had both of our initials on it and when I turned it over it had ‘For Bear, Love Javi x’ engraved on it I am seriously going to miss him. “Javi! I love it!” I put it on and he gave me a sad smile. I had 12 hours and 32 minutes left in Munich and more importantly left with Javi. Once again we had our hot chocolate and went to bed. I fell asleep in the arms of the guy I had fallen for but didn’t have the courage to tell him. 

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