Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Javi’s Point Of View.

 I can’t believe it. Me and Bear our friendship is done. Why did I go off on one? I sat on a park bench thinking when somebody tapped me on the shoulder I turned to see a calm looking Philipp and an annoyed looking Sergio. “What happened? You love her and you have just gone and broken her heart!” Philipp said calmly. A pang of guilt and hurt shot through me. I remember the phone call I had with her Mum when I promised that I wouldn’t hurt Bear and I promised I wouldn’t let anyone else hurt her. I crumbled, the tears started rushing down my cheeks as I realized that I had lost the love of my life. The one and only girl I have ever actually loved and I gave up her because life got a little confusing. “Dude, she loves you too much to mean any of what she said, just beg for her forgiveness, I saw her when she left Munich and came here it actually took us the whole two months to cheer her up. You know how she woke up yesterday? We were watching the sports channel and they did a report about you guys winning the ‘Bundesliga’ and she woke up, her first words were ‘they won? Javi won?’…” Sergio explained and trailed off. I shook my head then I knew what I had to do. It would kill me but I had to.

Lou’s Point Of View

An hour later I sat on the settee cuddled up under a blanket, Fabio, Sergio and Philipp came in (Fabio had said he needed to talk to Sergio outside when they arrived) and I was kind of hoping Javi would be with them but he wasn’t. Fabio signaled for me to follow him so I did. We went into the kitchen and he handed me a piece of paper.

Dear Bear,

            I am so sorry for how I treated you today, you didn’t deserve it. I promised your Mum that I wouldn’t hurt you, but I did. I hurt you at the first sign of trouble and I feel terrible. I sat this afternoon sorting out my head, trying to find a way for us to be together. I had no success, which makes me think, what if we were just meant to be friends? Although I was stupid and I have lost your friendship now, I hate myself for it.

            I loved the times we had in Munich and I will always remember you due to the tattoo we had done. When you left I didn’t know how to cope, but then I would see the tattoo and remember what you said to me ‘Even though I am in Madrid I will be with you anytime you need me’. Call me selfish but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted you in Munich with me! I wanted to celebrate winning the league with you.

Then I see how happy you were when you walked in with Fabio, ask yourself this, was you ever really that happy when you were with me? The reason I am writing this letter is to let you know that I love you, always have, always will, but we have to leave it at that. I hope you find the perfect guy for you, you deserve it! You are an amazing beautiful girl, don’t let anyone tell you different. I am sorry we had to end on these terms, I didn’t mean anything from what I said earlier, just that I love you! Have a nice life Bear! 

                                                     Love your Javi.


No way. He has gone. He let me fall for him but he gave up on me. I looked up at Fabio and he gave me a sad smile. This can’t be happening. “Fabio please tell me that you wrote this and it’s some kind of joke and that Javi, my Javi is gonna walk through the door in a minute!” I said finally breaking down “I am sorry, Lou bear” he replied. I ran to him and game him a hug collapsing in his arms. “Promise me two things Fabio, that you and Sergio will try and stop calling me ‘bear’ it hurts too much. Secondly, that you will never leave me like he did. If you do then please tell me to my face not through some letter” I finished still wrapped in Fabio’s arms. “I promise you that I won’t call you Lou-bear anymore, I also promise you that I will never leave you unless you want me to” He replied. That was all I needed to hear to calm down for a bit; my other best friend wasn’t going to leave me.

We stood hugging for a while when all I heard was Toni shouting. We walked into the living room and Toni was on his phone. “I can’t believe you have done this! How could you? You promised her that you weren’t going to hurt her! You are a liar! I don’t want to talk to you!” he hung up and ran to me giving me a hug. Lana and the rest of the guys joined in. These were my true friends they were all I needed.

t is �� os�qa 0�[ ct he is more like my brother. I am sorry if I didn’t tell you but I never told the other guys too, Itell no one about it! About you suffering in Munich, well let me tell you something, moving away hurt me too. I have all the photos from my last day hung up in my room, I wear my Munich shirt with pride around Madrid! I even went and bought a Spain shirt with your name on the back just so I could remember you. I was so close to giving up my life here and moving back to Munich but I couldn’t and you know why because I thought if it was meant to be then it will happen. I fell for you the minute I saw you and haven’t loved anyone since; remember when I told you about that tattoo? The heart that I was going to get filled in when I was in true love with someone?” I breathed and he nodded. “Well look, I showed him the now filled in heart on my ankle, I had this filled in the day after I moved here I had it filled in with you in mind. Nobody else but you. I have hurt everyday that I have been away from you, but I guess I shouldn’t have been cos you were never mine and I guess you can’t hurt over something you never had. Here you can take this back to Munich with you. Goodbye Javi” I finished as the first tear rolled down my cheek, I handed him the locket that I had worn everyday and walked back into the house.

I closed the door to be met with everyone eyes, “I think we should go” Iker announced and everyone left, apart from Philipp, Basti, Toni, Lana, Sergio and Fabio. We all sat around on the settee when I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Sergio, I think you and Philipp should go and look for Javi” I sighed. They nodded and Philipp headed out the door behind Sergio. “I am just going to have a shower let me know if they find him” I said as I stood up. Fabio eyed me to see if I was ok. I avoided eye contact because he can always tell how I am feeling just by looking in my eyes.

I reached my room and sat down in the corner where I had all the things from Munich. Before I knew it tears started running down my face. I heard a knock on my door and thinking it was Fabio I told them to come in. The door opened and revealed a hesitant looking Kroos. He came and sat beside me and I lay my head on his shoulder crying. Me and Javi were done, the sad thing? It was before we had the chance to start.

sorrf�fe�qa 0�[ g we will take you shopping then buy you ice cream. Happy?” Fabio sighed being the first to give in. I gave a big smile and nodded. Sergio parked the car and I ran out of the car heading for the door. I was just about to reach for the handle when somebody pushed the door open and it hit me. I fell to the floor then it went black.


ss=Ms%ml�qa 0�[ =’mso-bidi-font-weight:normal’>Hello its Philipp, I just wanted to say don’t have too much fun in Madrid with me! I hope you liked the celebrations. Keep in touch and text me when you get there safe!

From: unknown number

Lou! Its Basti and Toni! We will miss you! Make sure you keep in contact with us! Talk soon. Have a safe flight xx

As cliché as it sounds my heart skipped when I see who the last text was from although it didn’t help just seeing his name made me cry again.

From: JaviTheSexiestNeighbourEver!

Bear I am sorry I didn’t tell you before and I know that it probably wasn’t the right time to do it today but I had to tell you and I couldn’t do it over the phone. Truth is, ever since you made me spill that damn coffee on my lucky shirt, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I love you Bear, let me know when you get to Madrid.

J xxx

I was just about to reply when an announcement was made saying that my flight was now boarding I put my phone in my handbag and walked onto the plane sunglasses still intact.


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