chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was ready at 7:59 and sat on my couch waiting. He knocked at 8:01, he is a minute late he is going to pay for that! I opened the door and was shocked with what I saw, he looked hot. I must have been staring a little too long because he coughed awkwardly. I grabbed my purse and locked up. We headed to the exit and walked down the street still getting to know each other a little more.

Javi’s Point Of View

I rang the doorbell to Lou’s apartment and waited. Whilst I was waiting I thought back to this morning when we met…

Flashback: (Start of the day).

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. Why do I even bother setting an alarm, I don’t have to get up I have no training today! Although I do need to go shopping today so I got up and got dressed, grabbing a coffee in my travel cup. It was a nice day outside today so I styled my short brown hair in a messy way, and started my day. I threw on my lucky white v-neck shirt and chinos. I grabbed my coffee and headed down to the lobby. My phone suddenly started ringing and I see it was Becca my girlfriend. I really cannot be bothered with her at the minute, all she is doing is moan… moan…moan! I answered anyways, well, was about to when I got attacked by the door making me spill my coffee down my, now not so lucky, t-shirt. Just great! “You stupid woman!” I shouted and she ran off towards the elevator luckily I saw her though!

End of flashback!

Lou opened the door and wow she looked amazing! She was wearing a blue vest top with a black and white striped skirt. She must be wearing heels otherwise she has grown in the last 2 hours! Her straight short brown hair was straightened to perfection. She looked beautiful, wait did I just think of another girl being beautiful? I shook myself out the trance I had built and cleared my throat. Lou looked up at me with a smile which was reflected in her amazing brown eyes. “You ready?” I asked trying to act normal. She nodded and I stepped aside to signal that we should leave. She looked up and smiled to me.

We headed to my favorite restaurant it wasn’t too fancy but it was nice, we spent the meal just getting to know each other a bit more, I brought up about Becca but changed the topic soon after. I found out that Lou doesn’t have any brothers or sisters unlike me, who has a brother and two sisters. Dinner flew by and before I knew it, it was time to leave. After much discussion Lou finally gave in and let me pay the bill. “Can’t a guy treat his new best friend to dinner?” I asked innocently. She just sighed and started walking to get us a taxi.

Lou’s Point Of View

I let him pay the bill, which wasn’t fair, whilst I went to get a taxi. Just as one pulled over, Javi came out the restaurant and joined me in the taxi. The driver reminded me of my Granddad he has short grey hair swept in one direction with a concentrated but friendly expression on his face. We were nearly home when the taxi driver started talking to us. “You know you two make a lovely couple, you remind me of me and my wife when we were your age” he finished with a smile with a look of remembering ‘the good ole days’ when he met her. I cleared my thoughts stating awkwardly, “We aren’t dating we are just good friends” I needed to cleared that one up and looked up and Javi to see his eyebrows furrowed. I was about to question it when the driver spoke again. “oh pardon me miss, I just thought you two looked good together” he smiled an apologetic smile and I just smiled and nodded. The taxi arrived at our building and I went to pay the driver but he refused the money and said it was free. I thanked him and headed into the building with Javi by my side. We headed straight to our floor and when we arrived I asked him if he wanted a coffee which he accepted.

We both lay out on my one sofa talking when he suddenly said “You have a tattoo?” we both looked down at my ankle which was next to him. “I have three but I want more” I corrected him and carried on drinking my drink. Mmm hot chocolate… he deep in thought “Do they have meanings?” he asked his curious chocolate brown eyes staring straight into mine. I nodded and he signaled for me to carry on. Well this could take a while… “Well, my first one is the heart on my left ankle; I got it when I was 18, I made myself promise that when I fall in love, true love that is, I will have it filled in. My second is on my right wrist” I showed him it under my bracelets; it’s a musical note with little stars around it. “I got this one because, I don’t think I could live without music I love it way too much! I had the stars done just because I liked them. My third is on my ribs…” I pointed to my ribs on my right side where it was. “It says ‘Live the life you love & love the life you live’ it’s something that my Gramps always used to say to me and I loved it so had it done” I finished off looking at him waiting for a response he seemed to be processing the things I had just told him, so I excused myself to go and get changed into my pajamas.

When I had got changed I went back into the living room and noticed that Javi was on the phone to someone. I went to the kitchen and started washing our mugs up. “I am sorry about that it was Becca moaning because I haven’t called her today” he apologized to me which was sweet. Just as I was about to reply my phone started ringing which was embarrassing because my ringtone was the Spongebob theme song. He started laughing and I told him to shut up and I answered it because it was my Mum. The conversation went like this:

Mum: “Louise Elle Taylor, why haven’t you answered your phone I have been trying to ring you for ages!”

Me: “Well mother, I have been out!”

Mum: “You have been out? You live in Munich and you know nobody”.

Me: “Well mummy dearest I have made a new friend! His name is Javi!”

Mum: “What? You made a friend with a guy? Is he there at the minute?”

Me: “Yes mum I have and yes he is so quit shouting!”

Mum: “Let me talk to him!”

I quickly explained and apologized to Javi, who was still laughing at my ringtone, he said he would love to talk to my Mum so I sighed and put her on loudspeaker. I would definitely regret this!

Me: “You are on loudspeaker and he is here. Go ahead and say what you have to say”.

Mum: “Hello Javier”. (I mouthed a sorry to him which he shrugged off. Why does she hate nicknames?!)

Ben: “Hello Mrs Taylor.”

Mum: “I want you to look after my Louise. Do you promise me that?”

Ben: “I promise I won’t hurt her she’s my best friend already! I also promise I will not let anyone else hurt her“.

Mum: “Ok thank you. She has been hurt before and I don’t want that happening again!” I face palmed here she did not have to say that! “I have to go now so I will talk you two soon bye Javier, love you Lou bear!”

And with that the line went dead. I let out a sigh of relief but then realized what she called me at the end. I could hear Javi giggling. “So it looks like I have my nickname for you” he said with the biggest smug on his face. He was very proud of this moment. I let out a bigger sigh and rolled my eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me Bear” he exclaimed. Great my name is now Bear! 

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