Chapter 12, The Final-

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Chapter 12 -Final

1 year later

Lou’s Point Of View

Here I was, standing in the same airport that I arrived in a year ago, with the same sunglasses on hiding my red puffy eyes. Why do I always cry when I say goodbyes? Let me fill you in on what has happened in the last year. Synn and Mesut have got married and are expecting their first child, I have made them call her Lou haha! I moved in with Fabio and Sergio. I have spoken to Lana, Philipp, Basti and Toni at least every other day. Lana and Mario got married I was bridesmaid for them, Javi was a no show at their wedding. Munich won the league…again! I am still single but am happy that way. Oh and I am in the airport because I am moving back to Munich. This time though I was being accompanied by my best friend Fabio, he was going to stay with me for a couple of days to help me settle in and be my taxi driver. We said our goodbyes to the others and went to board the plane.

In no time at all we arrived at Munich and was met by Lana and Mario, I ran to them and gave them a big hug. Fabio wasn’t too far behind carrying all of our… my luggage for me. I turned to see him dragging my things I giggled at him. He shot me a glare, Mario went and helped him which made me and Lana laugh. We headed to Mario’s car and I caught up on the gossip with the team. Apparently, Toni has his eye on a girl now, I need to remember to wind him up about that later! We arrived at my building and Mario and Lana came up to my apartment with us, I opened the door to be sprayed in the face by silly string. I looked up to see Toni, Philipp and Basti all holding cans and laughing their heads off at me, I turned to the others to find they were all laughing as well. At that precise minute my phone went off it was a text;

From: Sergiooooooo

Haha! Got ya! What was it you always said plans never work twice? And that people should always be prepared! Now explain why you are covered in silly string! :L Revenge at last! Don’t have too much fun without me! ;) I miss my partner in crime already! :( I’m here for you always Love you! X

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. “Thanks for the welcoming guys! You should know that I will get revenge!” they all looked worried apart from Fabio he just stood laughing still. After catching up with everyone and me teasing Toni… a lot, everyone went home leaving me and Fabio. I was looking through the mail when I had a brown envelope I opened it and the house key I gave Javi fell out with a note that said ‘I am not your neighbour anymore’.

A few days later

Javi’s Point Of View

It was our last training session of the season.  I hate non-season I do nothing apart from visiting family but then I end up leaving when my Mum don’t stop going on about me finding a girl. Truth is I found her and lost her. I can’t feel sorry for myself though. I walked away I gave up the fight. I wish I hadn’t but I did. There hasn’t been a day go by in the past year when I haven’t thought about her. I walked into the changing room and it went quiet. Everyone looked at me. “Can I help you?” I asked annoyed. Philipp spoke, “I think you should know that Lou is back”. I nodded signaling I had taken it in. I grabbed my bag and headed straight out to my car.  I arrived home and got Max’s lead I was going to take him for a walk in the park. We arrived and we started walking, my shoe lace was undone so I bent down to tie it up and as I did Max pulled and ran off. I chased after him but it was too late…

Lou’s Point Of View

It was a nice day outside today I had just got home from work, Fabio had gone home yesterday. It was horrible I miss my best friend! The minute he got home I got loads of texts off all the guys demanding a chance to stay at my apartment because they wanted to look round Munich. I guess Fabio told them it was a nice place. I decided that I was going to carry on with a little work but because it was a nice day I went to a café I found with Fabio. I sat outside the café working when a dog ran up hitting the table, knocking my coffee over all down me. “What crazy person let this dog off it’s lead!” I exclaimed. I looked around to see if I could see it’s owner, when I heard a voice come from behind me, “I would be that crazy person!” I froze. No, it couldn’t be. I turned and was faced with the guy that I had fallen for a year ago. “I guess I have got revenge from when you ruined my t-shirt!” he smirked at me. I looked back down at my empty cup. “Remember what you said? ‘normally when you spill coffee on someone you say sorry and offer to buy them a new one’ but instead of just buying me one why don’t you accompany me?” I shot back. He smiled, and tied Max up. Minutes later he came back outside with two coffee’s.

After catching up for an hour or so I had to leave, I was just walking away from him when he shouted me. I turned back to see him walking up to me. “I am sorry about everything, please let me take you on a date, if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t but at least we know that we tried. I miss my best friend! But I want you as my girlfriend” he finished. I blushed and looked down. “I would really like that” I answered softly with that he reached into his pocket putting the locket I gave back to him around my neck. I gave him a confused look “I kept it with me incase we had any more coffee incidents” he explained. I nodded understandingly. He took my hand in his and we walked back to mine hand in hand. After all we have been through I know one thing, perhaps we wasn’t ready before, but I am ready now. I love Javi and he loves me. That’s all that matters.

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