7 - What Are The Chances?

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*Liam's POV*

It's been almost two weeks since Niall's date with Sara. He hasn't shut up about her and it hurts. Now, I'm jealous of my best mate's girl. It's not even because she's a reminder that I still don't have a girl in my life, but because she's stolen Niall's heart.

Speak of the devil; here he comes. "Hey," he says when he reaches my spot in the cafeteria.

"What's up, Nialler?" I ask.

"Not much. Wanna come over after school? We're planning on busting out the old N64 after school."

I think about it for a minute. "I'd love to, mate."

"Perfect! Sara's coming over, too, so you can finally meet her!" Niall is clearly excited, so I can't back out now.

"Great," I reply with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. It's not much, but Niall is too happy to notice that I'm faking my smile. Of course, I missed that he said 'we' instead of 'I'. I thought things were getting better, but instead I have a constant stream of hate coming at me from my colleagues and the one person I've ever had feelings for is falling for somebody else. It's not that I expected him to ever feel anything for me, but when I met him he also never seemed interested in anyone else. We've talked about who we liked before, but neither of us had anything to say because neither of us liked anyone then.


*Niall's POV*

I asked Li to come and play N64 with Sara and I today. I figure my best friend and the girl I like should be introduced so I can get his input. I mean, I already know I like her and want to keep seeing her, but should I ask her to be my girlfriend? I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet.

Liam is coming over in a few minutes, actually. He didn't come with me off of the bus because he had to stop at his house and talk to his mom first. Last time he just called home to inform his mom about where he was, I guess.

The doorbell is ringing. Greg is already there, so he's opening the door. "Hey, Liam," I hear my brother say. "Niall's just in the lounge."

I hear footsteps coming down the hall and into the room, but I don't look up; I'm focused on setting up the N64. Without turning around, I greet my guest: "Hey, Li!"

"Hey, Nialler." He sounds down, just like he did earlier after I told him Sara would be joining us. What's up with him lately?

I stand up and turn to face my friend with a smile on my face. "So, ready to get your arse kicked?"

Liam cracks a smile and I can't help but grin. "I thought you learned last time that there is no kicking of my arse when it comes to video games," he retorts with a wink.

"That was just Call of Duty, bro," I remind him. "These are old school games; this is my territory for butt-kicking." What? It's true; I play these games a few times a month just so I can keep in practice.

"Fine then, what games do you have?"

I smirk at him before answering. "Only the best ones: Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Puzzle League, one of those WWE games, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and more."

He chuckles before speaking again. "I bet I can beat you at any of the multiplayer games you have. Or I can just beat your high scores in the single player games," he tells me.

The doorbell rings before I can respond. I put up a finger as a way of saying, "One minute," then I rush to the foyer. I wasn't sure if Liam would come to the door with me, but I can see that he's staying in the lounge to look at my games.

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