10 - We Need To Talk

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**A/N**: Hey guys, just wanted to remind you to vote for IISW on @LouisTomlinsonsButt's page under her work Face Off. That is, if you want to do that.

Anyways, this chapter is kind of intense in terms of how blunt it is about the themes. I just want to say that if anybody ever needs someone to talk to about this kind of thing, I'm always here.

So, yeah, vote/comment/fan I guess? LET ME KNOW HOW YOU ACTUALLY FEEL ABOUT IT! Sorry, sugar is bad.

I love you guys. We're at over 1,000 reads now!

Kay, baaaaai. I luuuurve you.



*Liam's POV*

Truth or Dare was a bad idea. Last night in general was a bad idea. I told Niall I would at least try to help him fix our friendship, but I'm still angry inside. I let my feelings for him resurface, which is just stupid because it's obvious how happy Sara makes him. And then I went along with that dare to be shirtless for a little while, which may or may not have lead to Niall seeing things he shouldn't have.

I'm not embarrassed or ashamed like I should be. Actually, I'm just angry and upset, which is putting me in the mood to... Add to my collection, so to speak. But at the same time I don't want to do that; after last night, I don't want to risk having somebody else notice. It's no one's business but my own.

I'm lying in my bed because I had wanted to take a nap this afternoon, but I've just been staring at the ceiling and thinking. I lean over to my bedside table and open the top drawer, reaching my fingers into it. I feel my way around the top of the drawer until I find what I'm looking for. I pull my hand out with my pocket knife in it, gripping it tightly. I keep it in a small slot in the 'roof' of that drawer so that no one can find it.

I open the blade and sit here, examining it closely, spinning in my hand so I can look at it in different lights. It's funny, in a way, that something so small and insignificant could cause so much pain. I mean, the blade and handle together are about as long as my hand.

Just as I flip the blade back into the handle there is a knock at my door. I stuff the knife into the pocket of my hoodie before getting up and opening the door.

"Li, there's someone on the line for you," Nicola whispers, one hand covering the speaker of the cordless telephone. I give her an 'I really don't want to talk' look in hopes that she would tell the caller that I'm unavailable, but she doesn't. Instead, she holds the phone out to me. "I think it's Na... Ni...all? Or whatever his name is," she tells me.

I sigh while taking the phone from her hands. "Hello?"

There's a pause before anyone responds. "Liam?"

Yeah, that's definitely Niall. "Yes?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

Oh, here it comes... "What is it?"

"My feelings for Sara are changing and I don't know what to do."

What? "What do you mean?"

"Well, at first she gave me butterflies and made my heart race, but now... I don't know what she does now."

"You're confusing me, Nialler." Oops, I haven't called him that in awhile. Hopefully it's not awkward for him.

Niall doesn't even seem to notice that I've just used his nickname to address him. "I'm scared, Liam. I think I might be losing interest in her and I don't want that to happen. She makes me happy and I don't want to ruin what we have."

Is It So Wrong? ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfiction ~ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now