Chapter 3 ~ Strange Greetings

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It was the third day of Prim's stay at Bag End when unexpected things started to happen. But that wasn't until the evening. The previous day, Prim was settling in, unpacking her boxes of toys, clothes, her small furniture, and, much to Bilbo's delight, some books onto her bookshelf. Now it was the third day, and Bilbo decided to take himself and Prim on a little walk. When they came back, it was, once again, almost time for dinner. They had dinner and Prim was getting exhausted so Bilbo told her to go to bed. He took his vest off and put his robe on. He went to the kitchen and got a small supper for himself. When he was done, he was just about to eat his fried fish when he heard his doorbell ring at the door.

Bilbo thought that Gandalf came back to ask him about the adventure. "Now I don't want any trouble, but cou-" Bilbo opened the door and was surprised that there was a dwarf at his door and not a wizard. "Dwalin, at your service." The dwarf said. "Bilbo. Baggins. At yours." The hobbit said, tying his robe and making it look neat. The dwarf didn't have hair on the top of his head instead he had tattoos, although he had a brown beard. He came in without Bilbo welcoming him in.

"Excuse me but, do I know you?" Bilbo asked.

"No." Dwalin said. He gave his ax and coat to Bilbo, and asked, "Which way laddie? He said there would be food, and lots of it." Bilbo showed Dwalin where the dining room was and, once they got there, there was a second ring at the door. He went to go get the door and opened it to see another dwarf. "Balin, at your service." Said the dwarf. This dwarf had white hair on his head and a white beard. He also gave Bilbo his ax and cloak to Bilbo saying, "Thank you, laddie. Now I see that they have started to arrive." He went to the dining room to greet his fellow dwarf who turned out to be his brother. Much to Bilbo's disappointment, they greeted each other little too loudly, banging their heads together. "Will you please be quiet? I have a little one who's sleeping a few rooms over. So, if you want to stay-" Bilbo was interrupted by yet another ringing of the bell at the door. He opened it to find two young dwarves at his doorstep. One had dirty blonde hair, the other had brown hair. They both had short beards compared to the previous dwarves who entered the hobbit hole. "Filí," said the blonde haired one, "And Kíli," the other one added. They both bowed down and said, "At your service." Bilbo was a little bit satisfied at their manners until Kíli said, "You must be Mr. Boggins!" The two dwarves came in and put their coats, axes, and even a bow and arrows into Bilbo's arms. Bilbo led them to the dining room when another ringing of the doorbell came from the door. But this time, it was louder and almost to urgent. "Sorry I will have to leave now but you could find your friends." Bilbo said quickly. The the two newcomers thanked Bilbo and with that, Bilbo went to go answer the dwarf at the door. But when he opened the door, he didn't find one nor two dwarves at the door, but eight dwarves tumbling through the doorway. Behind the pile of the dwarves, there stood Gandalf, looking almost embarrassed at this entrance but when he saw Bilbo, a smile grew onto his face. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I'm dreadfully sorry that I haven't told you about this meeting when we first met. Now let me introduce you to Gloin, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Nori, Dori, and Ori." He indicated each dwarf as he said their names. Gloin was a dwarf who looked to be a middle aged dwarf with a bushy brown beard, Oin was a dwarf who looked quite old and he had a little horn with him that Bilbo later found out was an hearing instrument. Bifur had black hair with gray streaks in it. On top of of his head by the hair line, there was something that looked awfully like a small stone or ax stuck in his head. Bofur is a dwarf with black brown hair with a hat on top of his head that had flaps on the side that were flopping up and down every time he walked. Bombur was a red haired dwarf with a bald spot on the top of his head, his beard was in a braided ring, and he was also quite fat like as if he had twice the amount of hobbit meals in one day. Nori was a dwarf who had brown hair that was sticking into three points. One on the top, one on the right, the other on the left. Dori is a dwarf who looked almost as old as Balin just not with pure white hair, this dwarf had gray hair. The last one, Ori, also looked younger than most with brown hair and a face that looked eager to do something. And all of these dwarves had beards. Bilbo showed them to the dining room but the first four dwarves weren't in there. Instead they were in the pantry, getting food for themselves. The way that Bilbo found them was by their volume of voice. Once the little group following Bilbo saw their friends and of course food, they joined in on the chatter. "Shhhhh! Didn't I tell Balin and umm.. Dwalin that there is a little one trying or hopefully sleeping a few rooms down?" But he wasn't heard over the racket. Soon, the dwarves were at the dining room table and were talking loudly. Bilbo sat in the corner trying to figure out what was happening when he and all the dwarves heard a sleepy little voice saying, "Uncle Bilbo? What's going on?"

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