Chapter 8 ~ A Story

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They camped on a large cliff ledge for the night. Everyone was asleep except for Bilbo, Balin, Filí, Kíli, and Thorin. Bilbo couldn't go to sleep (mostly because of Bombur's loud snores) so he went to where the ponies were and snuck a bright red apple to his pony, Myrtle. "Now Myrtle, this will be our secret." Bilbo told his pony, when a cry came out in the night. "What was that?" Bilbo asked, afraid.

"Orcs." Filí said, grimly.

"They come in the night, when everyone's asleep." Kíli added.

"They snuff out travelers in the night. Not much noise, just a lot of blood." Filí finished. Once they saw Bilbo's frightened reaction, they shared a small laugh.

"You think that's funny?" Thorin said, raising from where he was sitting. "We didn't mean anything by it." Kíli said, with self-pity. Prim had woken up for the commotion had her come out of her sleep. Since she didn't like Thorin much even when he wasn't mad, she scurried over to her uncle. Balin gave the two hobbits a reassuring look and said, "Don't worry lads. Thorin has a reason to hate orcs more than most people." Balin then told Thorin's awful history...

"60 years ago, the great king Thror ruled the kingdom of Erebor with his son Thrain and his grandson Thorin. The mountain was filled with gold, piles that were so high, they were about halfway up the large cavern that held the gold. Thror had a craving of gold and riches, that even the elven king, Thranduil, had to pay respects to him. Then one day, they found it, the Arkenstone, the heart of the mountain. The king took that a sign that his ruling was great, the stone was placed atop the throne, right above the kings head.

"But the amount of gold attracted other eyes. The dragon, Smaug, came. He burned the city of Dale, leaving practically no survivors, leaving mass destruction. He then turned onto the Lonely Mountain and it's halls. He broke in, burning our soldiers, crushing the walls, and took over the mountain. There were many dwarves left with no home. When the panicked dwarves were rushing out of the main gate, Thorin saw Thranduil on the top of his giant elk and his army of elves on a nearby cliff. He cried out, 'Help! Help us!' But the elven king and his army turned around and went back to their forest. No help came from the elves that day.

"Then, months later, the battle of Azanulbizar. Dwarves and orcs battled in front of the gates of Moria, warrior falling after warrior after warrior. Thror attempted to fight against the leading orc; a pale, white orc named Azog the Defiler. They battled until Azog cut off the king's head. We remaining dwarves thought all was lost but then Thorin came and battled with the horrid orc. They fought until Azog gave a heavy blow that put Thorin on his side, with no weapon or shield in hand. He grabbed a oak branch for a shield and when Azog attempted to strike the prince with his sword, Thorin would raise the branch to protect himself, until he got close to his sword. He grabbed his sword, swung it upwards, and cut the foul beast's hand. The orcs then retreated into the halls of Moria. We may not have reclaimed Moria, but I saw someone I could follow."

When Balin ended his tale, all the dwarves were up and gazing at their leader who was at the ledge, looking out into the night. "Get back to bed, all of you." Thorin said, "We have a long journey ahead of us."

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