Chapter 9 ~ Trolls!

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A few days later, the company came by ruins of a farmer's house. "A farmer lived here with his family. We should move on." Gandalf said, "We could go to the Hidden Valley!"

"I will not go near that place. What help came from the elves when Smaug took over Erebor?" Thorin replied, annoyed at the wizard for mentioning such a place. Gandalf then hastily turned around and got on his horse.

"Where are you going? Gandalf?" Bilbo asked. "I've got enough dwarves for one day." Was the only reply that Bilbo got. The wizard rode off, towards the west. Nightfall came upon them quickly so they made dinner. Bofur gave a bowl of soup to each Bilbo and Prim, even though they already had a bowl. When Bilbo made that statement, Bofur said, "Take it to the lads watching the ponies." Prim went off with a small skip in her step (Filí and Kíli were two of here favorite dwarves, besides Bofur and Ori). When they got to the place where the ponies were, Bilbo noticed something off. There was a tree uprooted, and some ponies were missing. They found Filí and Kíli staring at the tree. "Oh hello Mister Baggins." Filí said, still staring at the tree. "We thought you could take a look at this since your our professional burglar." Kíli added. They heard a thumping sound and took cover. Prim quietly whimpered when the source of the thumping sound came into view. A mountain troll! "He's got Myrtle and Minty!" Bilbo whisper shouted.

"You can go get the ponies. We'll be behind you." Kíli told Bilbo. They push him towards the place where the troll disappeared, with light from a fire. Prim, Kíli, and Filí snuck away from him and ran back to the rest of the company. Bilbo turned to look at the brothers to find them gone. Along with his niece. Bilbo grumbles to himself as he snuck towards the fire to find 3 mountain trolls talking.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update this! I had a writer's block for this chapter. I was all "Should I end it now or continue this chapter?" I just ended up ending the chapter and doing the next events in the next chapter. See you soon! ~ JulieRoonie 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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