Chapter 4 ~ A Strange, Different Meal

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Bilbo went to usher Prim to one of the benches in the hallway (and also take off his robe for there was going to be a lot of running around). "Prim, I don't know what's going on but what I do know is that dwarves are eating our food and a wizard is accompanying them." Bilbo told Prim. Prim tried to look around Bilbo to see the nearest dwarf, Bofur, and really get to examine the dwarf. "Just sit here Prim. I don't think you would be able to get much sleep while they're visiting." Prim just mumbled, "Okay." Bilbo went off to the dining room while Prim just sat on the bench, looking at the dwarves' luggage. She got down from her seat to look at Kili's bow. It was quite beautiful, carved from a pine tree branch, with dwarfish language carved into it. Prim put it down carefully to look at another item. Now, this item was one of Bofur's, a flute that Bofur had since he was a little kid. She was tempted to play a song on the flute but she was well educated to know that it's quite rude to use someone's item without their permission. "Hey, what are you doin'?" a voice said behind the little hobbit girl. Prim almost dropped the flute but she managed to catch it and put it back on top of the coat. Bofur was walking to where Prim stood and all the coats, weapons, packs, and other luggage.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look through your stuff. Is this your flute? It's really pretty." Prim said, hoping to stay out of trouble. But, Bofur wasn't going to punish her. Back at home, he's a miner but he loves being with children so, when he wasn't at the mines, he made toys for the children out of leftover firewood.

"Ah, it's alright lass. Just as long you don't break it, it'll be fine. Why don't you come join us? You must be awfully lonely, being here by yourself, while us dwarves are 'aving fun, the wizard is 'aving fun, and your uncle is mightily busy. I'm sure your uncle wouldn't mind." With that, Bofur grabbed his flute then led Prim to the dining room. He introduced the dwarves to Prim, then Prim introduced herself. She sat in between Bofur and Kíli, who got up to join his brother Filí, then she was watching four of the dwarves, Bofur, Dori, Nori, and Gloin play a little game with forks and knives. Bilbo got up and asked Gandalf if he could talk with him.

"Gandalf, there are dwarves in my house and I know you are the cause of this. Now, could you tell me why they are here?"

"Why Bilbo," the old wizard said, "I thought I told you already. They are looking for a burglar for their adventure." The two of them started to discuss things when Ori came up and asked, "Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?" Filí came up and said, "Here you go Ori, give it to me." He took the plate and tossed it to Kíli, who was outside of the kitchen, who tossed it to Bifur for he was next to the sink washing the dishes. Bilbo just threw up his arms in defeat then walked to the dining room to find the fork and the knife game and seeing his niece enjoy this.

"Excuse me. Could you not do that? You'll blunt them!" Bilbo cried, not wanting to see his silverware being used as toys.

Bofur then replied, "Oh, you hear that lads? He says we'll blunt the knives." They all started to sing and with Bofur on his flute,

Blunt the knives, bend the forks

Smash the bottles and burn the corks

Chip the glasses and crack the plates

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Cut the cloth, tread on the fat

Leave the bones on the bedroom mat

Pour the milk on the pantry floor

Splash the wine on every door

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl

Pound them up with a thumping pole

When you are finished, if they are whole

Send them down them down the hall to roll

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

When the song ended, Prim was tapping her big hobbit feet to the tune and Bilbo found the dishes all clean and in a neat pile. He was confused but his confusion was cut short by a pounding at the door. Gandalf then said, "He's here."

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