Chapter 7 ~ The Adventure Begins

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After about 20 minutes, they were almost practically running out of Bag End. Bilbo found a note on his front door that said, If you need to find us, we'll be one mile past the Brandybuck Ferry at noon. Gandalf the Grey. "Come now Prim, if we hurry, we can catch up to them." Bilbo told his niece. They ran through Hobbiton and Farmer Maggot saw them and asked, "Well now Bilbo. Where are you and little Primrose heading off to now?" Bilbo simply replied, "We're going off on an adventure!"

"I told you Gandalf. Going there was a waste of time. We must get going or we will never get to Erebor." Thorin told Gandalf, sitting on top of his pony. The wizard just kept on riding on his horse and said, "But, you never know with hobbits. They can be amazing creatures and surprise you even when you think that they can surprise you no more." The dwarves kept riding forward on their ponies and guiding the two extra ponies. Gloin, who was at the back of the line, cried out, "Wait! I think someone is calling out to us!" Indeed someone was calling to them, "Wait! We're here! I've got the contract!" It was, of course, Bilbo Baggins and Primrose Baggins running to catch up with the riders. "Here you go. It's signed at the bottom." The hobbit said, giving the contract to Balin. Balin took the contract then took out a magnifier to examine the signature at the bottom. "Well laddie. Welcome to Thorin and Company!" All the dwarves cried out in pleasure and Bilbo smiled in pride while Prim was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Give the halflings a pony." Thorin told the others. While Ori was getting the pony for Bilbo ready, Kili volunteered to have Prim ride with him, for the young hobbit is too little to ride a pony and there was no time for lessons and they still needed the other ponies for their luggage. So once they got settled, they were able to continue.

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