Chapter 6 ~ A Decision

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Bilbo went into his room to read the contract all the way through. He sometimes read parts of the contract aloud. "1/14 of the treasure.... dangerous.... funeral services?!" he was surprised towards the end of the contract for it said: take one accompanying member is allowed. When he had his conversation with Gandalf a few days ago, he did mention his niece was visiting for about a year. Gandalf must've mentioned about Prim to the dwarves and they're so desperate for a burglar, that they allowed her to come along. He sat on his bed for quite some time just thinking about this adventure, when he heard singing coming from the living room.

Far over, the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To find our long forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light.

This song was was made after the dragon took over the Lonely Mountain. This told people who heard this song about the terrible event. With that finishing note, Bilbo fell onto his bed and fell asleep.

Bilbo woke up the next morning wondering if the previous night really happened or not. He went into the living room and saw that he had the contract his robe pocket (because he put it back on when he went to read the contract). There was no indication that the dwarves were still there for their luggage wasn't there. "Uncle Bilbo, are we going to go on the adventure?" Prim asked behind him. She just woke up a few minutes ago and went to ask her uncle about the adventure that has been occupying her mind since the previous night. Bilbo then replied, "Yes. Yes we are. Quickly now, get some things together and get dressed."

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