Chapter 5 ~ Thorin Oakenshield

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Bilbo opened up the door to the last dwarf of the evening. "Gandalf." This dwarf said, "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I got lost twice." He looked like an older version of Kíli, with dark brown hair but more hard worn features. Bilbo and Prim didn't know it yet but Thorin is Filí's and Kíli's uncle.

"Bilbo Baggins, this is the final member of the company. Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf said.

"So, this is the hobbit?" Thorin said, looking at Bilbo with a little bit of distaste. "Tell me master hobbit, do you do much fighting?"


"What weapon of choice?"

"Excuse me?"

"He seems more of a grocer than a burglar." Thorin said, with some of the dwarves chuckling. He gave his coat, ax, pack, and sword to Bilbo, much to his disappointment for he was getting tired of taking their luggage. Thorin went forward and gave Balin, Filí, Kíli, and Dwalin a hug and said, "I got lost twice. The only way I would've found it was the marking on the door." Bilbo took a nervous look at the door and said, "But there was never a marking on my door. I would've noticed it!" But what Bilbo did not know was that this marking was only visible at night and when it was needed. "Shall we move this conversation to the dining room?" Gandalf asked the group.

Bilbo had to move Prim to a separate room because he did not want her to ask random questions about this, even though she is quite a smart hobbit of her age. When he got back, the leader of these dwarves had been served some soup, bread, chicken, and water. "Gandalf, I've heard that you've found us a burglar. Is this halfling the burglar?" Thorin asked the wizard.

"Why yes, Thorin. You see, hobbits are quite interesting creatures of Middle-Earth. They can move around quietly, even with their big feet, and they can hide when they want to and come out when they want to be found or simply be found by someone by accident." Replied the wizard. Thorin gave Gandalf a small smile, but he quickly went back to the stern look to get back to business. "Gandalf told me that he didn't tell Master Baggins details about our adventure. Do you know of Erebor, Master Hobbit?" When Bilbo shook his head no, Thorin continued, "Erebor is underneath the Lonely Mountain, a few leagues away from the Shire. Long ago, dwarves were abundant in the mountain, mining precious gems, metals, silver, and gold. My grandfather, Thror, was king under the mountain. Until one day, we have mined so much and made many treasures, coins, jewelry, armor, that a dragon came for, he had his eyes on Erebor for quite some time. When he did come, he burned the man kingdom that was next to Erebor called Dale. When he was done with them, he turned onto Erebor. He crashed into the walls while dwarves fled, he made himself a bed made of gold coins, goblets, and even armor. He took over the Lonely Mountain," Thorin told the hobbit, "and we thirteen dwarves intend to reclaim it." At that last comment, all the dwarves cheered.

"We have brought you a contract laddie," said the old dwarf, Balin, "we will depart in the morning. If you've signed it by tomorrow afternoon, you will come on our adventure." But then Balin whispered, "and we've included something extra in there. You just have to read the contract." He gave the contract to Bilbo, who took it to the hall to read. What he didn't see was Prim silently running out of the hallway. Of course, she had the curiosity of a toddler, and she just had to eavesdrop on their conversation. Bilbo finished skimming the contract and said to the visitors, "I'm sorry, but I have to put Prim to bed then I'll be in my bedroom thinking about this. Make yourselves at home." He went off before anyone could say anything, got Prim and put her to bed.

A/N: I just wanted to say something. To me, I am not a good writer. I came up with this story(Even though I want to write Bagginshield) and it's not like the classical fanfics. If anyone can give me an idea of what to write for Bagginshield, I will dedicate the story to you, and your help will be greatly appreciated. 

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